Where is Bongman??

Hello, I'm still around !!!

Hello, I'm still around !!!
Thank you the concern bro !!!

I bought a Yamaha Motif ES7 recently from a fellow softie ...
now looking high and low for the PLG150-DX and PLG150-PF cards.

Shall be auditing for a weekend gig position next week ! Hope I can
get through it so to cover some of my gear costs.

my recent posts are Yazoo official, X Japan and the Prodigy myspace offerings !!!

how are things going for you ???
have you sold all the SRX cards ???
so how many gear have you sold overseas ??? haha !!!
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I changed my Synth from Fantom to Oasys 76. hence I dont need the cards anymore. Now decided to to go VST synths...bought swarshala for ethnic and omnisphere..apart from stylus and real guitar which I had already.... interested in my SRX cards??
I changed my Synth from Fantom to Oasys 76. hence I dont need the cards anymore. Now decided to to go VST synths...bought swarshala for ethnic and omnisphere..apart from stylus and real guitar which I had already.... interested in my SRX cards??
wow! you are one of the Oasys buyers from last year sale? Great !
I was late when I enquired about it, all sold out !!! I'm still with my current setup, probably moving to more software ! GREAT to see your pro setup!
I didnt buy from City Music as they sold their last piece.. I got it from ishibashi Japan...imported to Australia..at a deal price...It's a good synth and a fabulous controller... softsynth is the way to go..

Did you see my post on Spectrasonics Omnisphere? what say you??
Bongman, glad to see you're still active! I recall you saying that you've been thinking of moving from hardware into software sometime ago. Hope you join the gang soon! That will makes the 3 of us!!! Maybe more...
hw vs sw

oh? Sometimes, juz can't forgo the traditional thinking of hardware is better ???
a pill too difficult to swallow ? ... I guess I have to upgrade to a better computer system...

when the hardware interface with the software ... can I have the best of both worlds ?
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Yeah, I know what you mean. Software is invisible. Hardware is right there in front of us. True - some hardware just cannot be replaced by software. No matter how great some emulators are, you just can't beat the real analog stuff.
