Where have all the drummers gone to?! (-_-'')


New member
Dear drummers,

My J-rock band is looking to fill up the vacant drummer position.

We cover a range of tracks, from LUNA SEA, L'arc en Ciel, to One Ok Rock, Oral Cigarettes. Basically, anything classic to modern.
We do originals on a spontaneous basis. And we had since performed one original track in an earlier gig this year.

Level of skills and experience aren't important. If you could manage wide range of tempos, that's a plus.
BUT. Most importantly, you must have a good sense of rhythm and timing.

Gender, sexual orientation, size, academic qualification, vegan or not, race, religion, doesn't matter.
Cuz nobody in the band gives a shit. We don't judge.

Age wise, you're anywhere in your mid 20s to mid 30s.

Most importantly, you're cool and have a fun-loving attitude. And that's the spirit of the band - FUN, LAUGH, FUN.
Doesn't really matter, but would be a plus if you're a gamer too. Haha.

Don't be shy, drop me a text at nine-one-three-eight-one-zero-zero-one.

And, may the force be with you.