where can i find good yet cheap pedal???


New member
I m currently looking for a pedal is gd yet cheap... My budget is $100 but i m willing to add $10-$20 more if the pedal is highly recpmmended...can u uys help me???? :oops:

PS:please leave the name of the store which is selling the pedal... 8)
good & cheap are rather oxymoronic... however, if you wish to acquire quality tones on a budget, the Artec pedals are recommended 8)

i think "good" is quite subjective cause of personal
preferences and type of music.

but my preference would be to get a normal boss
dist/od pedal of my choice and send it for some
modding to suite my needs.

lurve modded.
$100 is a good price point to start off with.

you can try the rocktron, artec and boss pedals at that price range.

see you soon!
Danelectro Fab series pedal. Go to Music Plaza, apply for (free?) membership, each pedal costs $25+. Easiest decision ever.
Wad kind of genres r u playing?You should get a pedal dat suits ur type of genre... unless youre universal in genres,as in keep on changing ur genres and stuff.. Sth lyk dat... Then,u should go with a multi effects pedal.. They are slightly more expensive than single effects ones... Or unless you go for the quality... =)

Recommendations for single effect pedals around ur budget -

Im not so sure about multi effects though.. I dun rily use them... Sorry...
oh. i've tried the moen something dolly delay pedal
at g77.
i tot it was pretty good for it's price. i hvnt tried the dist
and overdrive pedals though. but they seem pretty
promising for a quality budget buy.
hm well if you're dipping your foot into the pedal pool, i think the danelectro fab series isn't too bad. they have distortion, overdrive, metal distortion, chorus, delay and flanger.

davis sells them at $27 per pedal. a couple of other places sell them at around the same price as well. you can buy 4 and try for your budget. hahaha.

i just tried the distortion one just now. was getting it for a friend. it's pretty darn decent i'd say. range isnt too bad. tone's fine too.

you can hear samples of the pedals on the danelectro website.
this is just my opinion. purely opinionated ok? so dun
be a jerk and scold me. and more importantly, dun listen
if you don't agree...

but i like to think of pedals as 1 time investments. so i
like pulling out slightly more than my budget and get
an awesome pedal for keeps. i'm not really a buy and
sell kinda guy.

but then again, if you don't really know what kinda sound
you want purely for yourself, then go ahead and play
around until u really know what you want loh i guess.
i'm not really a buy and sell kinda guy.

oh glentiaw, how many times have i heard guitarists say that! :lol:

but then agian, its all abotu experimentation lah, take your time. scoust around, the forum isnt the final say, YOU are. so get what you like. we're here to help :D
ok fine so i been selling n buying.
but pedals are still for keeps.
anyway. buy something with resale
value first.
we do have the fab and tgm pedals but they have hardly any resale value.

you may wish to pay a little more and get maybe a rocktron or artec.

alternatively, just spend $120 on a zoom g2 to get yourself familarised with the different types of effects first.
