what ya guys think of this solo?

Well... its ... very.. erm... normal?

I like the laid back, slow moving style... but other than that, its been done a hundred thousand times like every other laid back, slow moving pentatonic based solo.

It probably works for the song though... lots of guitarists "sell out" for the song! :lol: Okay, bad joke...
ah yeah. its nice, but yeah something we've seen many times before. people who aren't guitar crazy would probably enjoy it more since they've not heard it as many times.
its GREAT i must say!

even with use of only pentatonic, i brings out e flavour of that song very well! sorry but i'm just a big mayday fan!
Beyond is the ultimate chinese band!
Great compositions great solos

I believe so far no chinese band is close to their standards
ooo... beyond is very nice... I can't understand their songs (my chinese O lvl oral is a nice "U") but they have good music going on.