What happened to SOFT?

actually from last nite already la. maybe some postings also lost liao. i suffered soft withdrawal syndrome.. bad la. :(
duskalways said:
actually from last nite already la. maybe some postings also lost liao. i suffered soft withdrawal syndrome.. bad la. :(

Me too. It's become a habit whenever i get online to check up on the latest discussions at Soft.
Tell me about it man!

Soft.com is THE FIRST webpage i visit whenever i log on to the net..

shucks...talk about cold turkey man..heh
me too ...

it said internal 500 server error right >?

from my network tech background ... it means the server hosting soft was probably down
that was scary man! last night when SOFT first 'disappeared', I remembered it was Pulse who first MSN me. I was like, "OH NO!"

I check here, check there and found nothing wrong on my side. So I sms the hosting company. Then this morning I had to go out very early to shoot and only return home at 9.30pm. The whole day I was trying to see where I can log on to check if SOFT is back up.

Ha..ha... but boy am I glad that SOFT is up again.

Party On! :partyman:
one doesnt realize just how serious the addiction to SOFT is, until one is unable to access SOFT for looonnng time (felt like eternity). one tried again at 3am after clubbing. one was pleased that everything was fine again and one was able to fall asleep.