What do you think of the Traffic in Singapore lately


New member
Hi guys,

I don't know if you feel the same way. I noticed that the traffic in Singapore has been getting worse for the past 1 or 2 months. A year back, I swear it wasn't this bad. One reason I could think of is the increasing affluent population acquiring more vehicles, or maybe there's been some major events held over here.

I hope Singapore doesn't become like China
heh, if the situation is indeed bad, i would think that the effect of major event causing traffic problems be of a short term issue, since any form of events that resulted in road closure/route diversion be for at most days and not long enough to have a long and constant impact.

there should be some other factors which caused the problem if really theres a deterioation in general traffic issues. Perhaps we shud look over to ROV or LTA to see how many new vehicles are launch into our roads or any public projects which might give rise to the observation you have

perhaps the amount of vehicle on the road is far too much for this small little island
the suppose great system that claims money from you everytime you drives pass doesnt seem to be working :S :S
heh, if anyone into official figures

excalibur : singapore will become malaysia, all motorbikes... the taxis will become tuk-tuks like thailand.. then become japan, aging population, high standards of living.. then after that the roads still get worse + global warming become china, all cycling... then finally we go back to the basics of mongolia - travelling by foot/sled dogs.

j/k. stereotype joke, no offence meant. but always a possibility.
I hope Singapore doesn't become like China

Or India. The constantly blaring horns there are just so irritating.

The buses in Singapore nowadays are super jam-packed. Sometimes they don't stop anymore if no-one's getting down at a particular stop. And passengers at the stop can only look wistfully as their bus zoom by. There's just too many people on this island!
excalibur : singapore will become malaysia, all motorbikes... the taxis will become tuk-tuks like thailand.. then become japan, aging population, high standards of living.. then after that the roads still get worse + global warming become china, all cycling... then finally we go back to the basics of mongolia - travelling by foot/sled dogs.

heheh! i dont mind the tuk tuks xD i love them..

betsybug: ya bets! so are the mrts..
Traffic is getting worse...but our "talented" government keep on increasing ERP rates and putting up more gantries for the last 17 years. And they will...blow their trumpet when traffic dips a little, but keep quiet like a mouse when traffic stays the same or becomes worse. Either that or they do the complete opposite to cut down traffic...like approving public transport hike almost every year! Genius eh?
So if people are not willing to drive their cars during ERP hours, they'll drive them when there's no ERP then. It appears that there's more cars on the road, because when u drive, most ppl are probably driving at the same time as you. if you drive during the peak hours then u'll notice the reduction in traffic say, when u pay $3 to enter CBD at 6.15pm.

ERP won't reduce the number of cars on the road. It just reduces the number of cars during the time the ERP is activated. The general cost of ERP only affects a relatively small percentage of people who regularly chalk up large ERP bills travelling in and out of CBD. I dont think the morning highway charges are high enough to really deter the bulk of the crowd.

IMO one root of the problem lies in the cost of owning a car. there are low barriers to purchasing and owning one. nowadays u have payment schemes where there's zero downpayment + cash rebate, it makes ppl think only of the monthly installment rather than the total amount paid off. so for say $900 a mth, u could drive home a spanking new Lancer with extra maybe 10k in your pocket. Major feel-good factor. then after buying the car, nobody's gonna just park in the garage. ERP and petrol costs are high, but oh well, a car's meant to be driven so, drive it is. When there's a will, there's a way. it is not difficult to scrimp and save a few dollars here and there to make up for the rise in ERP/petrol.

then for those who feel the pinch enough to leave the car at home and take public transport, they squeeze on the trains with the ever-increasing population of foreign talent. and then you have the privatised 'public transport'. A profit-maximising firm seeks to increase efficiency and reduce fixed costs, hence lower the frequency of trains until every single train is fully packed. Pull trains from off-peak hours to bolster the peak hours so as to please the rush hour crowd. but the total number of trains running per day remains more or less the same so that operating costs dont increase. off-peak commuters are thus affected but they are the minority. can't please everybody at the expense of profits. (i have nothing against profit-maximising; SMRT is a private firm and thus has the right to do so)

Just my 2 cents. :rolleyes:
Lol, tuk tuks in Singapore. Haha. Well, I don't really believe figures. Statistics can be the greatest lie at times, especially when you want to please a population of 4 million (I think).
As for the ever increasing price of petrol coupled with the insane charges of ERP, it does affect me man. I don't know about the rest.... Hmmm... Please don't let Singapore become like China / Thailand / India! I have a bad feeling we might just get there someday
heh, the only thing constant in life, gotta be changes.

can we change ourself as individual to suit a place or change the place we are in to fit us?
there's an easy way, but it's going to cause lots of trouble.
"1 car per household" policy will definitely work.
"Singles can only purchase motorcycles". u wanna buy car ?
get married !
can help solve the ageing population problem. kill 2 birds with 1 stone. :D
and also, "People must have a monthly income of at least $4000 to qualify for a car."
the next day u know, u can only see taxi drivers driving "cars".
kinda a crappy idea i know. haha.
"Singles can only purchase motorcycles". u wanna buy car ?
get married !

Ingenious! Haha!

C'mon, Singapore is so small and there are already 4 million people in this city!

And I believe the government lies on statistics. >.< Don't always believe what you see and read, especially when the media are controlled.

If Singapore becomes a Thailand[where cars have installed toilets], I'll just wave goodbye, pack my bags and move to a secluded part of the world.
empihsrow, be careful of your statement about the government. You ARE responsible. If you have proof, we will be interested to know more.

For me, I have no problem with the traffic. I dont drive into the CBD during the peak hours. The only problem is when I go out of my house which is along MacPherson in the morning when everyone is going to work or in the evening when it is knock off time. There are too many offices and factories around there.
I've been blowing shitloads of precious GAS money on cabs thanks to the damned crowds on public transport. Then there's the traffic jams in the mornings and evenings. I hate it when people don't move right to the back of the damned buses. Singaporeans need to be more vocal, it's visible they're pissed but they just stand around like meek little lambs and do shit.

Sorry for the sidetrack, this post is purely for me to lovelovelovelovelove.