Washburn XB 126 ($380/-)


New member
selling a 9/10 discontinued 6 string bass
bass on its own is alr hard to find, what else this red finish. neck is wide, not thick yet super comfy..
ya know those fancy chords u have been eyeing to learn? learn it on this!

bass jus went thru servicing, including a setup, custom pickguard, fret dots removal and a darken fretboard. so baby is ready to plug and play.
passive pickup with active preamps.
controls are volume, blend + push/pull for passive/active voicing, low and high. tons of tonal range

bass doesnt comes with bag. but i guarantee its worth ur 380. this is my 2nd Xb 126, sad to let go but my baby girl needs the moolah.

87498281 for pix and queries. thank q for viewing.