warwick versus human base


New member
I had always been a warwick fan for quite some time already,but considering the problems of the bass that come with our weather here i went to look for another brand that may be able to come close to the warwick series.I came across a brand called Human Base which after trying i found that the tone ,construction and electronics are quite good.Any comments on that brand?
yeah i did try the bass,in fact i tried it the same day i tried a streamer and a jazzman at swee lee so i would get to compare them with their tones still in my head.To me the tone is sweet yet strong and punchy and the price is cheaper too(SD$2.5k).so i think its not bad and its reviews are quite good as in the website.Im considering getting it for its maple neck which i found out that it difficult to get one for a warwick.So if its cheaper and sounds just as good why not yeah?Btw i think it would be difficult to change the neck cos its unique but from the review its said that it is so so get the sound of a neck thru without being one.but i think it is interesting and innovative.Wat say u?
you cant hear the tones well in swee lee.. the warwicks there have 5 year old strings. the human base sounds really good. if that floats your boat, go for it ;)
Its seems that none of us here have really put this yummy bass to the test.

I say we nominate someone here here to get it and then we can all have a basswhoring day to try it out!
Yeah i was shocked too that Davis(peninsular) has such a good bass,altho to me its an unlikely looking place.A really helpful friend of mine introed me to it after listening to my woes.Davis also has the Zseries MTD basses,the ones with wood pickup covers which to me and my friend,sounds decent for quite a good price(SD$1.6k).If u do wanna try,u can see it at the glass window at the side of the shop facing outwards somewhere near the machinegun guitar hah.Someone do give it a try,cos i wanna start saving up if its really good as it seems.
Yeah i was shocked too that Davis(peninsular) has such a good bass,altho to me its an unlikely looking place.A really helpful friend of mine introed me to it after listening to my woes.Davis also has the Zseries MTD basses,the ones with wood pickup covers which to me and my friend,sounds decent for quite a good price(SD$1.6k).If u do wanna try,u can see it at the glass window at the side of the shop facing outwards somewhere near the machinegun guitar hah.Someone do give it a try,cos i wanna start saving up if its really good as it seems.

Wow, i had no idea they had human base after going past so many times. Guess they dun really market it as much as their more sellable low end guitars. (its not on their website at all, which is kinda outdated anyway ... ) will check it out sometime. :)
gues the human base logo on the headstock is kinda obscure too..
yeah,i agree the logo doesnt stand out.check out the mtd basses also also.not very bad and cheap.how interesting that u can find such basses in such an unlikely place.hahah.