Vt Bass Deluxe


But besides the DI. I dont see a need for the other new options like the programs and efx loop.

So i guess my regelar VT would still stick on my board.
I think i'll stick to the VT Bass regular, price is too expensive for me :)

BTW, VT Bass owners, any tips on how to tame this monster? I always find that I have too much treble with the drive about 11 o'clock and character at 12 0'clock.

- it's the "flip-top" style setting, and I think it's perfect tone to use if you're playing Tokyo Jihen songs, since Kameda also uses a real flip-top for his recordings.

I like that tone, at this settings, but if I dig just a little harder it has a fizzily sound that I find annoying. I know, I can turn down the treble on the EQ, but I find that it'll lose some of the punch if I did that....

what are your recommended settings?
Mine is Lows, Mids, Highs set at 12 o'clock. Character to taste and drive just a lil bit. Its a pretty boring mellow tone. But it works for what I play. And I usually control the tone on my bass pre anyway.
k sorry, sidetrack. im a newbie! 1st post! heh.

can anyone tell me where i can get the VT bass pedal in Singapore? been looking to get one in a long time and very tempted to order one from e-bay. unless it's available in sg tho....

Would be awesome if it's here.