urgent: need to find these 2 ICs


New member
hey guys, i need to find these 2 ICs.. MN3007 and MN3101
ive been to sim lim and couldnt find it, anyone knows any shop in singapore that has these in stock? or do i have to order from smallbear?
btw, if i order minor stuff from smallbear, would they send it by postage or by mail? anyone with dealings with smallbear please help me

ive checked rssingapore also.. couldnt find these 2 ICs..

btw another quick question, does it matter if both jacks of the pedal are mono? or does it have to be 1 mono and 1 stereo?
I have no idea about the ICs. Have u tried a store in B1, cannot remember the name, at the corner. They seems to have quite a good collection of chips.

What I know about the stereo jack for the input, it is being used to switch OFF the effect when there is no cable plugged to the input jack. This is to make sure that the effect is OFF when powered by battery and no cable plugged.
haha u mean the 24 hour shop at b1? yeap, tried there before.. no one seems to have mn series IC chips.. pfft..

ahha, anyway thanks for the response for the stereo thing