Kudos to your technique and speed. I'm not too crazy about the riff though, just sounded like mindless shredding to me. Jusy my opinion though.

But i do need to ask you, how do you get up to that speed and what do you pravtice? Like do you go overa certain scale over and over again or how? Coz right now my guitar practice has stagnated and im not going anywhere with my practice. I wanna be able to shred but i dont know where ot start.

A tip or two would be very much appreciated :D

Okay I'm back from work ready to answer you questions! *stretches*

mus, basically it was mainly my Dean's zebra pickups which did the job. Both pickups at both the neck and bridge sparkles brilliantly on clean and roars when on distortion. But if you must know, I'm simply using my $30 Danelectro FAB Metal pedal. $30 ONLY!!!! From Davis Guitar which i bought a year back.

Anirudh, yes I do agree, that is actually mindless shredding I've been doing. That's why it's called a BCPT video!

....ehehehe kidding luh bro


Aaanyway, how my speed and technique got to this stage was of course practicing. But also practicing SMART!

Besides the aid of a metronome of course, I also kept an eye on my technique. Evaluating oneself is always essential when playing fast or whatever you wanna practice. I'll be always asking questions like "Oh, am I alt. picking properly? Am I holding my pick correctly? Is my speed audible? Are my hands in sync? Am i using my wrist to play..."

And so on and so forth. By acknowledging, understanding and practicing correctly with ALOT of patience (it took me around 4 years, you can say its actually quite recent), you can achieve speed for sure.

Of course, I mastered shredding at this speed with the aid from a lot of criticisms and negative comments from a lot of my friends and some people here as well (Engelfauste especially, to whom i give the most credit for criticizing me the most). So as you can see you will also need peers to guide you as well. You are not alone. =)

What I was playing there was a D minor natural/harmonic minor scale extended out in different parts of the fretboard. It's basically a lot of typical 3-notes-per-string stuff and it helps build up speed overtime with a lot of practicing. What I did basically was just walk my fingers up and down this scale and find the root notes and carry on the scale from there. Then once I got it in my muscle memory, I began building up speed. If I'm comfortable at this speed I'll stick to it. If it's too fast I'll slow down. If I can speed up I'll speed up tatatatata...

On a side note, it can be sort of a disadvantage when you do the same pattern over and over again for a long period of time. Guitarists are intensively laborious musicians and work themselves to death on a lick or something they wanna master and for me, I'm sorta stuck on that pattern and therefore it can be a little challenging telling my fingers at times where to go next or to play another pattern.

That is all I can say. The main thing is that you must be determined and willing to learn and be patient.

Cheers and good luck!

I wish you all the best ;)