There's gonna be something in the Sky over KL in late Feb

..........and the sky opened and shed its very tears for the sadness of things and the wretchedness of humanity.................

*cue bombastic shoegazin rush of guitars n' drums and a million ppl weeping in holy ecstacy*

FAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bwagaghahahahahah
AgingYouth: Too soon and too expensive for SG, bro.... but we're teaming up with KL to co-present this. Rushing to sort out the details with stateside.

FluxUs: wah... well put bro, well put.... ahhahaha LOL...

stay tuned for updates....*chhhiiibaaabooomm*
Date locked down for 19th. Not the best option but the only one given to us. Save your CNY long weekend leave for this then....
