There shouldn't be any form of discrimation in music itself..


New member
Recently, I've seen many music competitions have age limits, no younger than this age, no older than this age..
I question the fundamentals of the music experience.. why are there an age discrimination???
What is the difference in reasoning between age discrimination and racial discrimination??? Just because one has political interconnections and the other does not??? Isn't it still discrimination by itself???

This type of ruling, I feel, tend to undermine the main reason for music itself..
Music is free for all..
Music unites all people..

So often have I handled Indian events, and it's so exciting to see their culture, that they bring their whole families to enjoy partying together, from their grandparents, parents, children..relatives.. all dancing to music, all having a fun time together.. that really builds family bonding..and every time I see this, I had really hope Chinese had such culture too.. (ok, I'm chinese). My family would have better bonding had it be..

Music as a culture, can be a separatist entity by itself.. I remember my days of Hard Rock and Metal, my self-display of torn jeans, long hair and 'bad' behavior was detesting for my parents.. but they learned to accept those as days passed. However, they were more glad when I grew older and started becoming 'normal'..
A separatist altitude to music itself is to have events dividing the different age groups, thus bringing further the gap further away between generations, breaking the already commonly 'damaged' family bonds that most people have.
I really hope that our music culture in Singapore should not engage in further discrimination of these sort, but see how important music is to our lives, how useful it could be for common sharing and breaking the ice between ages, races, countries, religions.. etc etc
I wouldn't call this discrimination. It is just how the event is organised. Just like the many Indian events you handled. It is a market segmentation.
Also, for some songs, it has explicit words so that might be the cause for age discrimination. Imagine a 10 year old running around yelling some lyrics from SOAD (don't get me wrong, I like that band, but lyrics-wise, it isn't appropriate for children). Although it is common now for kids at the age of 8 to yell the 'f' word in the arcade but hey...that's them.
Oh come on, I'm talking about the more recent 18-30 age limit, I don't think someone at 40 should be disallowed to perform latest trend songs nor someone at 16. And talk about market segmentation, if an adult at 50 would even be interested in joining a teens event, it should be a big motivation to the teens, cos that rarely happens. Of cos I'm not talking about a 10yr old metal band