Sweep practice: My forearm hurts


New member
Hey guys,
recently wanting to learn how to sweep and i've been practising a few days straight...yesterday i encounter pain or aching pain on my forearm, especially when i exert my pinkie on the "Far" note to do pull-off for the sweep...

It's not sharp pain..but today's more painful.. equivalent to post-gym type of ache but at a higher degree...
normal? :confused:
Rest for a day. U will be able to do it better after that. Stretch before practicing. U are after all... exercising yur muscles..
the pain is on your left forearm right?

2 possibilities:

1. your fingers and forearm are not used to the stretching. maybe you can do some warm-ups with your fingers before practising. give your forearm some time to cool down too.

2. you are fingering with the wrong technique. this is not good for your fingers and arm. however this is quite subjective, as there are all sorts of techniques out there, works for some but may not work for others.
the pain is on your left forearm right?

2 possibilities:

1. your fingers and forearm are not used to the stretching. maybe you can do some warm-ups with your fingers before practising. give your forearm some time to cool down too.

2. you are fingering with the wrong technique. this is not good for your fingers and arm. however this is quite subjective, as there are all sorts of techniques out there, works for some but may not work for others.

Reply to 1:
yeah, definitely not used to the stretching... it's beyond my comfort zone for now..

reply to 2:
it's a index to pinkie 6 fret stretch..index on fret7...
a normal pull-off ley..hmm
can't really see a technique problem...
suspect it's probably 1...

so can i continue to practise or do i train other fingers and rest my pinkie?
Rest for a day. U will be able to do it better after that. Stretch before practicing. U are after all... exercising yur muscles..

normally i do some slow scaling (scales that makes hardly any music sense)
for warm up.
how do u stretch usually?
playing scales is a good way to warm up, and also to familiarise both your brain and your finger muscles with the different kinds of scales. good for muscle memory development.

as for resting your pinkie, it depends on your threshold of pain lah. since it's not about wrong technique, then it should not do any harm. if you practise until cannot tahan already then rest lor. no pain, no gain :cool:
this sounds ridiculous and not a lot of people do it.. but yur warm up is like yur before excercising warm up. stretch yur fingers (arms straight out and pull finger backwards, which will stretch yur forearm). I usually use scales and half arpeggios for warm ups after that.

hope this helps.
I've never done any stretching. And when I sweep pick my hand isn't pain. There is no tension at all you have to realllly relax and you can go really fast without feeling any tension