Swee Lee Sale: 31st May & 1st June

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New member
Hey guys,

Swee Lee will be having a sale on 31st May & 1st June. I know there'll be some guitars going at really low prices. But I'm quite concerned about the quality, why sell at such a cut off price? Anything wrong with them? I'm looking at Ibanez at the moment. Any views on this? Thanks :)

If anyone has bought any Ibanez from their sale, do tell me the quality & condition of the guitar you bought.
ok first and foremost, there are tons of SWEE LEE SALE threads popping up everywhere. post in them so that people of the similar interest group are all consolidated there and not peppered all over soft.

they have a sale.. for the sake of having a sale. does the Great Singapore Sale occur annually because there's a sudden flood of inferior replica goods which can be sold at profiteering but el cheapo prices? no.

if you want to test out the quality of whichever guitar you're eyeing, do the following.

  1. test it out yourself. bring a friend if you think you are too swakoo to make a proper judgement. +bonus points of you bring a friend with an eye for detail.
  2. check the list price, then halve it. that's how much you'd have to prepare for the sale.
  3. pray real hard that the guitar isn't snatched up by someone who's ahead of the queue from you.

note that there is no testing allowed during the sale. don't swakoo. :D
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Ok thanks, will look up the swee lee sale threads.
I was just wondering if the purpose of the sale is to clear goods that are of mild defect or cause they just won't move out of the shelves.

1. Could be to clear their goods so that they can import other models (I know this to be true cause I've talked to one of guys over there regarding their import policies)

2. Could be due to some mild defect? (Maybe, maybe not, I don't really know. The other threads should give me a better view on this)

3. I'm not swakoo, will always try before buying. Believe in trying the real thing myself. A friend can never help me test it out. It's personal preference / feel. A friend can still help me check out the quality and condition though.

4. Since there's no testing allowed, I'll just have to try the models out before the sale then I guess :(

Lastly, my apologies for starting up a new thread, didn't know there are other Swee Lee Sale threads.
It is stated that it's a clearance sale.
You can inspect it cosmetically during the sale, just not plugged in, so yeah, go before hand.
They probably just want to clear their stock, so they can bring in somemore, not too sure, but you can always check with them.

Good luck on your search. :-D
Thanks man, thinking of doing that next week.
Will not post here anymore, looking up other swee lee sale threads now :)
i'm closing some of the SL sale (3105) threads because matters discussed are over-lapping not that there is disrespect for the thread strarter :cool:
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