Squier SE-100


New member
Been a quite a rookie at electric guitars. Owned a Squier SE-100 which I bought second hand about last year. Considering it's a low-end guitar, the sound and build is pretty good.

I've been thinking of upgrading it for a while with new pups and proper restoration like chroming my bridge and replacing the screws with stainles steel.

So just want to know if it's worth the upgrade(don't want to waste $$ on a useless upgrade) until I can get my hands on a proper Fender strat.

And is it true that agathis-made guitars are lousier compared to alder,basswood etc.
the upgrade will cost more than ur guitar bro...save up....and sell ur guitar to top upfor the better one later on
You do not need to buy a better guitar yet... if you want better tone, upgrade the pickups to EMG pickups or even Fender pickups
if its sub par, then its possible to "pimp my guitar" if you know what youre looking for. but i always believe trust your ears.

Rise_Against, emg's on strats just dont feel right to me leh. go with SD, lace, noiseless, maybe even tex specials. but emgs. nah. not sure about the passive emg's though.
hey thanks for the replies guys. Hmm, the build is pretty solid, except for a few rusting screws, I don't have to worry about action cause it stays in place.

Soundwise, I just find that the pups are not strong enough for me. It's just too muddy and not crunchy enough for me. I guess maybe changing the pups might work. Might try installing lace sensors on it. :D mean afterall, if i don't like it I can always sell it off and get a second-hand strat and put on the lace.
Hmm, I have tested it through a quite a few amps. It's the same problem... I've sent it through a laney before and the quality is also the same