Soundhole Guitar Pickups...


New member

I recently am considering alternatives amplifying my steel string acoustic Guitar. I would prefer an non permanent method, ie soundhole pickups...

I went to sweelee at Bras Basah but they only have 2 variants, one is quite expensive at $200 odd bucks for a soundhole, think its a D´ something... Thats like far out of my budget.

THe other is $22 and well, I don´t think I can expect much from it...

Any sugguestion guys?

Or if you know of another method of amplification that has little or no modification involved, I´ll like to hear of it

THanks in advance.
I have this silly li´l removable pick-up put in my acoustic guitar, i can unscrew it whenever i want to, sits on the sound-hole.

i basically use it for tuning or sometime recording stuff on my comp. nothing more, tried hooking it up to an amp gives a decent enuf sound.. dont think it will last on a stage but for home use its fine.

I have gotten bored of it now.. doesnt serve much purpose... an acoustic sounds great by itself
oh i got it for like 16 bucks
Was hoping to find something good enuff for Stage use... Argh... Without blowing $200...

Nvm, thx for your help.
well ive read somewher dat u can ake your own....

personally i havent tried wit my acoustic guitar, but it uses the same piezo technology dat i use to convert my drums..... i have a few lying around dat i might try within the next few days.... it might be better if u have a good acoustic amp as well.

i´ll keep u posted
hey. got around to makin the pick up... to me it sounded ok...(bad amp)

but its relativley way way cheaper than a cheap pick up dat u can buy........

placement needs to be experimented.... got to move it aroumd yer guitar for a sweet spot....

carfull tho.... wrong placewment can make it sound really boomy
Colarndo said:
Dont even bother la. Get go buy a good mic and mic up your guitar.

The best way to ampilfier your acoustic guitar is to mic it. Get a condenser mic and plug it through the PA. A acoustic guitar pickup does not give out the real sound of the guitar but rather ampilfies it only. So mic it and it can give you a real acoustic tone.