Something i encountered in a guitar shop


New member
i don't know if this has been disscussed here already but i really felt it was important to bring up.

i was at a guitar shop today and i wanted to test the guitar. i approached a saleman and i pointed to an aged 3 tone sunburst MIM Strat with an aged mint green pickguard and oxidised hardware ( we all know what series it is and what year it is modeled after )
and said ' can i test that 60s strat?'

he looked at me and then lloked at the guitar and said ' No its not 60s strat, its road worn'

immediately i had this face -______________________-

i know my encounter was a small one and not very serious, however, dont all of you feel that guitar sales person or salesperson in any field for that matter, should know more and understand more about the products they are selling?

i mean for us it definately isnt a prob, but these people might mis lead some newer guitarists.

i really feel that salepeople at these shops should really educate themselves on what they are selling.

this is my opinion i wonder what you guys feel about it? care to share?
Irritates me too.. Well.. It's obvious that they can't have ALL knowledge regarding EVERY single product stored in their head..

I just don't like it when you happen to know more and the salesperson INSISTS that they are correct.. Just happened to me last week regarding a price issue, where the promotion price was found on Soft and the salesperson was unaware and insisted on the price tag on the product.. Quite irritating..

Oh well..
1) Yes, i agree that the basic requirement of salesman is to know their product

2) I believe that buyers must also be equipped with relevant info about product as well, via internet/forums before venturing into shops if having interest to buy

3) I think for the shop to make a different/changes, if any, is to talk to their higher manegement on the lack of knowedge from staff, hopping for change.

so, is there any chance to bring the issue to the management of the shop and if theres any opportunity, will we bring up the issue?

lightice : yeah i know its words play actually, i was pointing out to the guitar, not the series, i know its the road worn 60s Stratocaster, but i omitted the series and his reply was no its not 60s strat its roadworn.
Not to defend him or anything, but there are a lot of products to remember and a lot of specific names, especially in a music store.

He probably was trained that that piece was a roadworn, omitting the 60s, because as it already is, there's a 60s strat, and a 60s classic player strat.

Sometimes try to understand in their perspective, he isn't wrong, but he wasn't entirely right. Give him the benefit of the doubt.

As customers, we are interested in specific products, so we study in detail those products and we can point out minute differences.
When working in a shop, everything has to be learnt, not just whatever interest them. But as a good retail person, its always a continuous learning process.

There are so many guitars hanging around in shops, many without labels, sometimes the specs are so close its difficult to differentiate one from another. Its different from a computer store, where the packaging states the product name.

That's why I mentioned earlier, music stores should have sales personnel who specialise in areas. Not just 'general sales'. Having said that, I've worked in the service line, it makes working very much more enjoyable when customers don't pounce on tiny mistakes made by sales people. You have to understand that you meet the salesperson once, the sales person meets many people in the same day. Sales people do appreciate it when customers correct our mistakes without trying to embarrass us.

I say, let the minute details slide.

On the other hand, sales people who do not put effort into gaining product knowledge should buck up and learn. Its a disgrace to the company they represent.
LOL. encountered this before... I was at this big big music shop in brah basah and I was looking for DiMarzio pickup... It was a single-coil size humbucker... and the person asked me what am I looking for... then I said I'm looking for humbucker for tele those single coil size one. then the salesperson like damn confused... THEN... she held a humbucker and tell me THIS IS HUMBUCKER and took another single coil and said this is SINGLE COIL-.-

I bet that she doesn't even know that those super distortion T or chopper T are humbuckers....

They've got so many different guitars to sell while customers usually knw what specific guitars they want, and when(if) they mix up the names of it, customers think they the salesman doesnt knw their stuff. isnt it absurd? i think as long as he gets u the guitar u want, why shld u even care if he gets the name correct or not lol
not really, sometimes you wanna know more about the guitar and you want the salesperson to explain the specs etc.
exithere: It's understandable that they will mix up the names and things like that. But it's not understandable to...

Irritates me too.. Well.. It's obvious that they can't have ALL knowledge regarding EVERY single product stored in their head..

I just don't like it when you happen to know more and the salesperson INSISTS that they are correct..
u haven seen the worse,
i was at a famous guitar shop beside funan it mall tat other day...
i was looking at a BC rich warlock,
so i ask him,
how much is this cost,
he claims its new product still dunno..
say ard 300-400,
so i conviently utter, so expensive,
den he told me coz this guitar is endose by alexi laiho,
from Children of bodom,
so i was like huh??
den i say is it?
i tot BC rich guitar that flying V those,
is by kerry V..
he say ya yaya bluffing u...
and i say wrong its not kerry V,
coz its a flying V coz wad comes to my mind is V..
its kerry king if i not wrong...
but i dun bother to say anything also..
i just think its not fair to salesmen sometime

Afterall, we didnt even bother to bring it up to their higher management and make sure theres response/outcome of thigns we aint satisfy about. Instead, ended up in forum and we laugh bout it.

Are we concern of the general service and wanna them to improve or just happy that we can write here that we know more than the salesmen and be happy?
But some higher management do not take in suggestions.. and when you try to give suggestions via email, they will give a lot of excuses like never receive etc.

If you tell them face-to-face, isn't that very embarrassing for both parties...?

I'm sure the seymour duncan official distributor here knows about the threads about them saying that they suck and things like that, but they don't even give a shit.

It all depends on whether they want to take in suggestions.... and, I'm not trying to show that I know more than the salesman... I'm not that stupid to like show it in a forum like here. LOL.