Soft Jam 2

err, strats, u might wanna convert it to mp3 format or sumthing...
its quite big for short intro.. :wink:
my tone sucked bad on this one. killinghall wanna join us for the jam? lol

and power tone and playing there at the cheesy instrumental. teach me how to play :prayer: :prayer:
meaning? uhh the top one has the whole backing with it, can dl that and just record after wherever i stop. the second link is just what i played without the backing?
d/l my first link with my intro on it, continue for maybe 30-40 secs, den err upload back?then someone else continue
i'll try my best in the next few days, currently setting up a buddy's late 80s Kramer 610 with new strings, my strat n efx r at the club.