Snare Recommendations


New member
Hey guys, I'm thinking about getting a snare but I'm not sure what to look for when I'm shopping for one.

What's the difference between steel, brass, copper, maple and blah?

Budget's about $550. First-hands, second-hands, just hit me.

I like tight, stadium-sized sounds. Like when you give it a good whack, it pops like a firecracker but resonates like an explosion. Maybe this helps.

Please let me know where I can find it as well.


i think u should buy the pdp snares and experiment with the sounds first b4 getting an expensive one...experiment with the tuning, dampening, using different kinds of skins...who noes u might like it
ranking brought some new acrylic pdp snares.. the one that features the babe around the acrylic shell... around 700+...
what is your prefered genre of music? Metal or Hard rock i suppose? judging by the amount of projection and "roar" you want from your snare.

in that case,
1)for a firecracker pop,then head for snares of sizes 13" and below

2)for "stadium sized" sounds,then perhaps metal snares would suit your better.
lots of projection and "roar"

hope this has helped :D
yups, went by ranking just now, no time to look but got loads of new dw snares that were'nt there last time i think!
brady jarrah snare 12"x7". tried my friend's one. sweeeeet, should be the one you're looking for. pricey though!
I play mainly indie.

When I say stadium-sized, I'm not referring to the volume of the snare. It's more of a wide, open kinda sound.
you need a good soundman then :D. the awesome power of good mixing. with the right tweaking. u can make a 4ply snare sound like a monster. RaWR!
I play mainly indie.

When I say stadium-sized, I'm not referring to the volume of the snare. It's more of a wide, open kinda sound.

well,with the info that you have provided i can only suggest snares of smaller sizes (13",12",10") for the firecracker effect and the rest is up for your ears to guide you along.go to rankings or other drum shops to try different snares out for yourself to get a better idea of the snare characteristics.Also,lets not forget a critical factor,which is tuning,which can change the attribute of your snare quite vastly.(so don't get too immersed in finding a "perfect" snare)

just my 2 cents
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brass snare is an all rounder snare. u can go for any kind of music with it. settle with 14" diameter and 5" to 6.5" depth. dont go for very cheap snare like pdp or smthg because as soon as you play with it like months, u'll getting bored and end up selling it and eyeing for an expensive one. so, just save up to get a intermediate snare and u can keep it forever.
jarrah snares, are very loud and very cutting. they tend to hurt my ears when i play them without ear protection. and sometimes even with!!
u know i reckon if ur certain of the sound u want, get a gd snare like some of the others here have mentioned. dun spend so much on ur drum kit cause its a practice set and u will not be gigging with it. a snare u can bring with uuuuuuuuu
oh you might wanna consider black panthers as well. sweet lookin' great soundin' snares. considering getting one myself.
hmmm, i reckon they're going for $700-800 here? like the pdp acrylic mud flap marcdadrummer talked about earlier, it retails at ranking for $700ish. check out, the exact same snare is going for USD299.99, which when you convert to SGD is $425.0558. include shipping and other misc fees, you'll definitely save at least $100. $100 is a nice little 8" splash.

BUT i'm not sure about shipping stuff in so it's thereabouts i guess?

that's why i'm thinking of shipping in a BP, still seriously considering all my options though.
jeepers, I believe that drum resources stock the black panthers ? It might be more advisable to go down and try for yourself as you can have a feel and hear how it sounds personally rather than ordering online
hahaha yup spinninsticks i know, thanks for the heads up anyhow. but i'm thinking of, havent decided. will only go down to nigel's and test it out when i've made up my mind. blood sweat money man, must consider every option available first heh.