Sky LAN Chinese Zodiac for FUN (2020)


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Sky LAN Chinese Zodiac for FUN (2020) ^ ^

Singaporeans born under this sign are Intelligent, Optimistic, but Cunning.
They tend to be good Loan-Shark, Gambler, Photographer.
They should play with Monkey and avoid Rooster.

Singaporeans born under this sign are Hardworking, Prudent, but Stubborn.
They tend to be good Hawker, Construction Worker and Soldier.
They should yoke with Rooster and avoid Dragon.

Singaporeans born under this sign are Courageous, Creative but Proud.
They tend to be good Lawyer, Policeman and Musician.
They should propose to Rooster and avoid Monkey.

Singaporeans born under this sign are Compassionate, Expressive but Sensitive.
They tend to be good Athlete, Driver and Deliverer.
They should yoke with Sheep and avoid Serpent.

Singaporeans born under this sign are Dynamic, Influential but Arrogant.
They tend to be bad Politician, but good Businessmen and Financial Planner.
They are like Pig and should be afraid of Tiger.

Singaporeans born under this sign are Attractive, Flexible but Sinister.
They tend to be good Wedding Planner, News Anchor and Swimmer.
They should yoke with Rat and avoid Rabbit.

Singaporeans born under this sign are Adventurous, Honest, but Hot-headed.
They tend to be good Explorer, Architect and Racer.
They should befriend Tiger and avoid Rat.

Singaporeans born under this sign are Easy-going, Fun but Insecure.
They tend to be good Nurse, Writer, Philosopher.
They should be with Horse, and stay far from Ox.

Singaporeans born under this sign are Quick-witted, Imaginative, but Impatient.
They tend to be good Actor/Actress, Reporter and Diplomat.
They should befriend Ox but hide from Tiger.

Singaporeans born under this sign are Confident, Intelligent but Ambitious
They tend to be good Tour-guide, Pole-dancer, DJ.
They should marry Tiger but run from Rabbit.

Singaporeans born under this sign are Modest, Honest but lack Confidence.
They tend to be good Teacher, Priest, Judge.
They should have friends like Rabbit but avoid Rooster.

Singaporeans born under this sign are Curious, Knowledgeable but Greedy.
They tend to be good Scientist, Artist, Salesman.
They should befriend Rabbit and kick Snake.

p/s: hope this may help fellow musicians find the right part-time jobs or partners in life
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