should i get a telecaster?


New member
Hi, i'm thinking of getting a telecaster and i was wondering if there are any telecaster owners who are willing to share their experience with this particular guitar model?
it's a forum. don't expect people to reply in 3 hours. there are a lot of people who want to go out and have fun on their precious weekends.

in general, do a search on this forum and on the net. there are tons of info on teles and people's opinions.
I gassing for a telecaster as my next guitar. It is a really basic guitar, no whammy bar, no fancy pickup configs, no floyd rose, but it has a solid crunch and biting tone. People who like acoustic will probably like the sound, very clear type of sound.

What model are you looking at?
What kind of sound do you want?
I think it would help to state the model and budget.

haha the telecaster just happens to be the first guitar build by fender, so it's very basic DUH hahaha
tany said:
haha the telecaster just happens to be the first guitar build by fender

If I'm not wrong, Leo Fender first came out with the P.bass, followed by the Strat. :wink:

I don't think I'll ever come to truly appreciate the Tele's asthetics. :lol:
its not restricted to low-gain/country twang/cleans as many pple say.
i think its very versatile...nice chimy clean tone and a tight aggresive tone when driven.
with a humbucker, even black metal is possible...

FLCL - thinkin of gettin a tele...? What type of music do U play & what model tele are U thinking of?

Vintage models with 7 1/4 radius fingerboards mean high action.

Vintage pups means twang & clang but my hum / squeal at high volume - unless U mod pups?

I onlu use my "esquire" vintage style tele for country gigs ...for almost everything else I use my strat...IMHO strat has more tone options...

U gota imput more data of yrself b4 we can imput our data... 8)
hmm, i dont know all the technical stuff abt the guitar, im actually quite new in playing the guitar. the reason why i was considering getting a telecaster was because i read that stairway to heaven was played using the telecaster and i feel that thats the kind of sound that i wanted. i think im more towards classical sentimental kind of songs. maybe clean clear tones. advice people?
FLCL - i suggest you try out as many models, not only tele. Best way to really find out wats the most suitable guitar for YOURSELF is to try the diff kinds - check out G77 Beez, he's quite accomodating... after fully satisfied - then buy...remember 1 man's meat is another man's poison so the choice is entirely yours
FLCL said:
hmm, where is G77 Beez? i would love to try out the guitars.

basement 1 excelsior shopping centre - the guitar hub of SG ... its called G77 , look for Beez or Dennis (Beezmaster), tell them SOFT sent U, sure 2 get best deals .... 8) gd lux
I think only the solo of Stairway to Heaven was played with a telecaster - that's the more striking tone in the song anyway.

A stratocaster or a telecaster has great cleans. You can consider either one of them.