Self-Confessed's video, "What It Means To Be Free"


New member
Hey guys, here's a video produced by the Whatlah Project people.

I decided to use my old acoustic act's name (since I came up with it) because I plan to invite anybody to session for shows once I get my EP out. EP production will hopefully start once Tacit Aria's split EP with Fire Away Samson! and Saving Someone is released.

Cause wouldn't it be awkward if I use my own name and I'm playing with another person? Zahir.....and friends? Haha.

Anyway, feedback is greatly appreciated. And thanks for watching.
Well how it works is that you just try to add on what you can over the song itself, like add lead guitar parts, and just record it and send it over. Then we'll just take it from there.
Awesome arrangement of the melody bro..And indeed you have a good voice too.Kip the good works Bro..May be peace upon you..