Rockbass nut replacement


New member
Hey just an enquiry here.

I've been using the Rockbass streamer 5 and while re-stringing, my nut's side tabs broke off. I thought i was careless but apparently, it seems that it's a normal occurrence. So while surfing around the net for a replacement nut, i came across this

Is it by any chance available in Singapore? I need it badly cos my bass is more or less useless now.[/url]
happened to my warwick as well. i've mailed swee lee for about the just-a-nut IIIs which warwick claims to have shipped to all intl distributors. but got no reply from them. as expected. i just do not have the time and energy to carry my bass down to explain to them. they prolly wun know what you're talking about if you call and i doubt they'd be helpful anyway.

i tried to glue the side tabs back but that didnt work. but the nut stays in place under string tension. so thats gonna b the way for now till i find the time.
you could also install your own kind of nut but that would defeat warwick's purpose of an adjustable nut.
No reply from them for me either, bother.. Yeah i realised that the nuts stay in place under tension.. But i have a fleeting feeling that i'm not getting the best outta my bass.. :/ I need that nut!!
i'm sure if you bother swee lee they will be nice enough to check it out for you.

you the customer anyway ..
warwick rock bass? is yours a 5 string?
i have a spare just-a-nut III. it should fit. please let me know....thks