RIP Richard Wright.

RIP Richard Wright. :(

Pink Floyd are without a doubt, one of the greatest bands in rock history. Having an album staying in the Billboard charts for more than a decade proves that.

Shine on you crazy diamond...:(
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oh yes, the quiet member of the band

Dark side of the Moon

Wish you were here

the best Pink Floyd albums !

He'll always be remembered as one of the best musicians to graze this Earth.
RIP once again, founding member of Pink Floyd. As Queen would say, " Another one bites the dust. "
Rock on with Syd up there.
RIP Richard wright, he was a subtle player but great musician all in all.

True true, I need to go on a Dark Side marathon again. This is sad. I just hope David isn't gonna go next. And there goes the rumours of a reunion.... :( :(