Rg 2620 or rg 1550 or esp eclipse?


New member
Hey guys! Having difficulty deciding which axe i shld get... Ibanez RG 2620, RG 1550 or an ESP Eclipse? PLEASE give me yr wise advice and suggestions. Cheers!:)
Do note that the Rg and ESP eclipse are different in specs. The eclipse is like the LP, made of mahogany wood and a flame maple top (for certain models) and a shorter scale length whereas the RG is like a strat scale length and it has a floating trem (AKA floyd rose system). They are different machines. Do try them out.
Hmm i'm gonna try all 3 of them nxt week. The esp is 100 bucks more ex than both the rgs. Haha dealing with fellow softies. So are you guys saying its based on individual preference? Thx for yr 2 cents worth! :)
LOL! dude you're everywhere in this website its crazy! Haha hope you don't mind me asking around ya, in fact could you give me some advice? I know you'll be biased la but try not to la, a thousand bucks must be wisely spent.
frankly, absolutely no offense to anyone in this forum or anywhere else in the world. all the guys who know knows im not a huge Ibanez fan. the 2620 was the only one i brought to jam and i bloody loved. but im a little...... BIG BONED... so ibanez bodies feel different on me.. nd the only reason id dare sell this is cause....... i reeeeeeaaaally dont like floyd rose... my band does all sorts of tunings and well........ thts the only reason..
hmm. imho, i think lp bodies produce a fatter sound as compared to RGs. it depends on what you're playing. despite that, i'll still get an rg. cos i've found a love for ibanez RGs and their necks. saving up for a 770dx. :D
This is really your choice man....You're gonna hear different opinions from different people, then later you confuse yourself or you make a bad choice...
hmm. imho, i think lp bodies produce a fatter sound as compared to RGs. it depends on what you're playing. despite that, i'll still get an rg. cos i've found a love for ibanez RGs and their necks. saving up for a 770dx. :D

The RG770DX like double dragon, has a blue and red colour. :D
AHHH! I really can't make up my mind man. Its like saying who's hotter, jessica alba or angelina jolie? Hmmm, brand new idea for a new pole my fellow men! :)
i own a ESP Eclipse, it is nothing like a les paul btw, its sounds like an eclipse... The 2620 that pedal-itis has is an awesome guitar, got to try it, im not really an rg fan btw.

The best i can say to you is to try out the individual guitars and see what you like
Huh rlly?! I was looking forward to the thick, balsy, fat sound a les paul would produce. But ah well thanks you guys, I'll just try out all 3 of em and feel which one is meant to be with me. :) YEA ANYWAY, GOD FORBID KICKS ASS! AND TRIVIUM AS WELL-- UR SIGNATURE. 666!!!
Lps getting very famous with metal musicians nowadays eh....The jackson days are somewhat over