Reverb Question!


New member
I'm thinking of getting a Line6 verbzilla but I was just thinking if it'll sound okay if I run an acoustic>reverb>di box>PA. And anyone with experience with the verbzilla? any better recommendations on a verb for $250? Thanks!
the verbzilla is the rocks. forget about the boss.

if you can find a zoom 507 that is one badass reverb.
haha yeah I wasnt even considering the boss...haha. I like the shimmer effect on the verbzilla and the huge reverb on the cave mode...but do all the tonecores need dedicated PS?
verbzilla is very nice, i just plug in daisy chain from 1spot..
its a brick though.. super heavy..
but tone is nice
btw, the mic is kinda a downer..
switch is a little flimsy
overall great pedal!
is there a pro handling the PA during your performance? if there's mixer in the chain, chances are, there'll be reverb there.
if wanna feel good, look good in having a new product just out in market, tc reverb

if wanna simple straight to point reverb, holy grail

if wanna choices, but NOT heavy reverb in the sense of valley of deep deep return or cave as big as choa chu kang, digitech digiverb.

if wanna few choices only and some nice fancy verb, eh holier grail

if wanna choices and reverb like valley of deep deep return plus that coolio shimmer verb, verzilla

if wanna save own preset, expression control reverb, weird sound and short delay-ish reverb, EH holiest grail

check out the verbzilla video demo on, I know it's hard to trust promo vids from manufacturer's websites but it really sounds great there, haha.
unless if Line6 have done something to the pedal designs... i'd suggest to use a dedicated power supply for each line6 pedals.

oh and if you want a ultra drown in reverb kinda reverb... Alesis Wedge table top reverb.