Recommendation for MIDI Controller


New member
I am an avid edm listener and am interested in learning to produce some music. I learnt piano till grade 3 but quit when i was 12. I'm 18 now and i have forgotten most of whatever I have learnt. I am currently trying to sell my washburn guitar away for about 350-400 dollars and hope to purchase a MIDI controller. My budget would be $250 and below. What controller would you recommend? I was actually intending on purchasing a AKAI mph mini or a novation launchkey mini but my friend has adviced me that i should purchase a 49 key keyboard. Why would that be so? I am really curious because I have lost touch with playing the piano and stuff... Anyways, i actually looked at 49 key keyboards and saw this cool keyboard but it would definitely be out of my budget:

So what MIDI controller would you recommend? :) Thanks in advance