Recommendation for acostic-electric guitar


New member
Hi All,

I am currently looking for a new guitar(I haven't been playing for VERY long), and would need some advise from you all here... So far, I have found the Yamaha MTX700 nylon guitar to be great, but I may be considering to get a semi-acoustic guitar instead... Any good recommendation around S$700??? I like something with decent bass sounding too, since I have weak thumbs......
Weak thumbs don't=weak sounding bass. Judging by your preference for a warmer sounding nylon-stringed guitar, i'd recommend getting one with a cedar top. Takamine's EGS330SC should be right up your alley. $645 at Luthermusic if i'm not wrong.
They didn't have that particular model when I went there... Anyway, I have two more options now, and would need some advise:

1. Crafter GAE 6/N.. This is a "Grand Auditorium" style which is around $700.
2. Washburn WD25SCE.. This is a "Dreadnought" style... Seems a bit big when I played with it, but loved the action(help since I don't have that strong fingers)..... It is around $800 and "seem" overpriced... Advise???

3. Takamine EGS330SC, which I haven't tried yet...