Random thoughts on the eve of National Day - Aging Population: the implications


New member
I was in the Intro to Siouxsie thread, and on a Friday, eve of National Day, an epiphany of sorts occurred.

I was thinking that if the general Singapore population is really aging, then the corollary to this phenomenon must be:

- The softie population must also be aging
- Les Pauls will get less popular (coz they are too heavy for old fogies)
- We will find fewer people in the mosh pits of concerts
- Music will get louder (to compensate for loss of hearing - a result of age and also over-use of IPods in younger days)
- Songs will get more political and whiny (coz fewer people will sing about love - been there, done that - and older folks are more concerned about their pensions and insurance stuff)
- Mandarin and Hindustani songs will become more popular and pervasive (since our proactive government will take steps to correct the situation and bring in younger Chinese and Indian nationals)

So, likely prediction for a hit song sung some time during the 50th National Day will be a Chinese/Indian metal song accompanied by an acoustic guitar. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

edit: Oh yeah, Happy National Day.
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Haha, okay that was random... But on a related random note,

I'm choosing to go for the We Satellites gig at *scape on National Day instead of watching NDP!
I'm choosing to go for the We Satellites gig at *scape on National Day instead of watching NDP!

You might be aging, but your taste remains impeccable.
hmmm somehow what you say may be true..
but it happens all the time i guess.
time changes everything.

back then the malay rockers called them jeans as yankees.. then it was called tapered.. and now a newer version.... Skinny~
Well, I'm sorry to say that I'm selling out.

While you guys have your fun, Im going to be performing some national day songs which I re-arranged at 4pm tmr at the Esplanade.

The things I do for my country. =(
Betsybug -ahahaha ,..... U apparently dont know how we old fogies PARTY harder than the young ones man ..... hahaahahah so much for your myopic view of the aged on national day ... :mrgreen:
fgl=Betsybug -ahahaha ,..... U apparently dont know how we old fogies PARTY harder than the young ones man ..... hahaahahah so much for your myopic view of the aged on national day ...

But I do know. :) The young 'uns are doing push-ups and pull-ups just so they can play a Gibby LP! I have 7 years to go for my prediction. :mrgreen:
Sigh, aging population. Anyone else here takes Human Geography? It's a freaking boring topic.
But anyway, something that was on my mind on National day was "I wonder if town will be infested with banglas tomorrow when i got for We satellites".
On a serious note, i was thinking "The Olympic games' opening was so spectacular, i wonder if tomorrow's parade standard can match up to it." hehehe.
aging population.
lesser births.
and one fine day.. i remember seeing this movie, it was about how in future the world , all the women/men have became infertile. then there was no babies for 18 years. they'd put up on the news when the world's "youngest person has died" . but of course after that 18 years there was a woman who was different.

boring movie but scary thought.
Yes, CofM - liked it. Pity it didn't make a bigger splash here.

Another prediction:
Guitar gear will get more expensive. Not just to pace inflation, but way more expensive to account for lesser numbers sold per capita. Therefore, we need to hedge against this ---> gear hoarding!!

Stop procreating and stop the incoming immigrants!

I WANT MY PERSONAL SPACE. Not somewhere 20 stories above the ground. :X
i think having lesser kids is a perfectly natural, evolutionary response to the overcrowding we see on this earth.

we would die should we keep replacing ourselves if there is no scientific breakthrough to make development more sustainable for this planet.