Pickup Choice


New member
Hello, I've had my guitar for over 4 years, and have decided, that I wanna take it a step further and get new pickups for it. I don't really have a musical style or anything, just want something to give my guitar a little edge and better tone perhaps.

Also my budget would be somewhat low. Possibly something value for money, maybe low range - mid range.

Thank You
Single coil or humbucker?

Seymour duncan pickups are quite affordable... Most pickups are 99 dollars @ davis guitar and maybe for '59 is 125 dollars. Or you can buy those used dimarzios from blackwood guitars but do not let them help you install the pickups... Imo.

Single-coil and humbucker:
I heard that tesla pickups @ SV are quite affordable too. They've got a lot of good comments.:)
upgrading ur amplifier is a more efficient and effective way of improving ur tone compared to a change of pickups.

unless u're using a full tube half stack then thats a different story :)
Thanks for the help. I think I'll need a new amp honestly. Its been run into the shitters from the looks of things. And I think the electronics may be screwed up. Dunno what to get though, again budget constraints.
if you have a tight budget, can consider those PODs too... they got some amp/cabs in them... but they are not the real thing....
Thanks for the help. I think I'll need a new amp honestly. Its been run into the shitters from the looks of things. And I think the electronics may be screwed up. Dunno what to get though, again budget constraints.

yeah if u're using some crappy 10 watt solid state or something, changing pickups really wont help much, if not wont help at all.

if u have budget constraints, really, patience is the key here. save up. after waiting, and when u have the cash, and get a new amp, u wont regret it!
guitar is an expensive hobby afterall... unless you can find a vaccine against GAS

I quite sure an effect pedal is going to have a lot more impact to your sound than your new pickups.
I have an effects pedal, been using it for a very long time. And either way i realized my bridge pickups spoilt, so I'll need new pickups either way.
before you make any purchase, make sure that its your bridge pickup is spoilt, not your pickup selector. some guitars with notoriously crappy selectors will break contact over time, causing the guitar to have no output at a particular position of the pickup selector.

Well... if I were to recommend a bridge pickup...

Absolute scream in the face - Dimarzio X2N
Gritty, raw - Dimarzio Breed
Vintage low output (like me!) - Dimarzio vintage PAF

I'm sorry I'm a Dimarzio fan
before you make any purchase, make sure that its your bridge pickup is spoilt, not your pickup selector. some guitars with notoriously crappy selectors will break contact over time, causing the guitar to have no output at a particular position of the pickup selector.

Well... if I were to recommend a bridge pickup...

Absolute scream in the face - Dimarzio X2N
Gritty, raw - Dimarzio Breed
Vintage low output (like me!) - Dimarzio vintage PAF

I'm sorry I'm a Dimarzio fan

If you play until rock only, X2N may be too high output for you. I remember reading this somewhere in this forum or somewhere else(the person please give credits to yourself) : Nowadays everything becomes so high output and if your pickups are high output too, then you can't hear anything. In fact, it's true... because nowadays, we uses distortion or overdrive... not fuzz. and the amps at that time are quite standard output and now in modern days context, they are classified as low output / vintage amps...

The person who said it or know who said it, please tell me!! I really want to know who said this.. I forget le... :XX
Yeah,it might be your pickup selector that is broken, or maybe the whole internal wiring so be careful.
And personally, i'm the EMG type of guy. 81 or 85 for best results!
so far i havent even seen the threadstarter do anything useful like:

state the kinda guitar you're using
the current pickups thats in it
what kinda music he plays, no musical style? thats not possible. air guitar maybe?
at least some kinda sound you are looking for
kinda amp you are using at the moment
location of where u usually play be it home or at pubs
effects used

that way at least we can help u.
so far i havent even seen the threadstarter do anything useful like:

state the kinda guitar you're using
the current pickups thats in it
what kinda music he plays, no musical style? thats not possible. air guitar maybe?
at least some kinda sound you are looking for
kinda amp you are using at the moment
location of where u usually play be it home or at pubs
effects used

that way at least we can help u.

+1 to that..............