Pedaltank Time Capsule problem?


New member
Hi guys, just wanna check if you guys have tried the Pedaltank Time Capsule, because the problem that I just realised is that since it's an analog delay, the 'time' knob adjusts the delay inbetween the... you know what I mean. Anyway, the problem i'm facing now is that, with my time knob MAXED, it sounds like the time knob is only put to 1/4 of its knob. I also compared it to the review by Chatreeo and the difference is crazy even though were using the same settings.

I wanted to check their website if there were anyone else having it, but their website is down aswell, not sure why o_O, so just wanted to ask if you guys faced the same problem with other analog delays, or with the same model, and how did you guys fix it? :(
Hi guys, just wanna check if you guys have tried the Pedaltank Time Capsule, because the problem that I just realised is that since it's an analog delay, the 'time' knob adjusts the delay inbetween the... you know what I mean. Anyway, the problem i'm facing now is that, with my time knob MAXED, it sounds like the time knob is only put to 1/4 of its knob. I also compared it to the review by Chatreeo and the difference is crazy even though were using the same settings.

I wanted to check their website if there were anyone else having it, but their website is down aswell, not sure why o_O, so just wanted to ask if you guys faced the same problem with other analog delays, or with the same model, and how did you guys fix it? :(

Dude, i think your tone knob is placed wrongly on the pot, if you get what I mean? I have that pedal, haven't faced that issue.