Output jack spoil..how to repair?


New member
My friend output jack, the nut had came out, and the spring-like thing is very loose inside and the nut could not be screw in, as every time we get the screw like thing out, it cant stay there, and hence could not screw the nut in.
So yep, is there any way to repair it? If not, where should i go to repair the bass guitar? And whats the approximate cost?
Its quite urgent as we need it for this friday school youth day audition.
Thank you!
It shouldn't cost/take very long to repair. I bought an explorer from Davis and returned back to get them to tighten the nut at the input jack. Took something like a minute. It was free too.
hmm if the condition is quite bad, maybe you can consider changing the jack altogether. davis does it at $20 (cost of the jack + work).

check the jack regularly to make sure it's tight. if not there can be dire consequences haha :cool:
i go to KC at zen because i've always had work done by him... and its always been good so there wasnt any reason to go elsewhere. some say its hard to find a good tech. anyway abit of customer loyalty pays dividend sometimes

beez is great guy but never had the chance to have him do anything. maybe next time i need cables done i will go to his shop

but its a pretty simple job and anywhere convenient will do
sounds like a threaded screw ... i suggest you get the entire jack changed. It's not to difficult .. just a matter of changing out the unit and soldering the connections together. Simple job. Any guitar tech can do it for you ...