Opinion: Graphics on guitar body


dear friends
just wanna know what everyone thinks of custom graphics on guitar bodies- would you want it done on yours? why?

as for me i think the graphics add zilch to tone so it´s totally unnecessary. however, i´d be quite happy to own one if it can be had cheap. also, the graphics would be a problem if you wanna sell off the guitar in question subsequently as it offers limited appeal.
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I´ve been thinking bout that lately...and since I dun think I will ever be selling my guitar...so it won´t be a problem...as a matter a fact I´ve been thinking of asking a Tatto Artist to help me design a logo of some kind and than get some one who knows how to paint graphics onto my guitar. Possibly the only places in Asia would who could do something like that would be GIM, Guitar Instute of Malaysia and in Japan.

a guitar tattoo is interesting. this is unlike a whole body full of graphics. back in the ´80s we see that happened, there´s a particular theme tagged to it as well.

a friend of mine did a graphic make-over on his guitar body, done by someone who does air brush graphics for helmets & stuff. turned out to be impressive.
What´s up?

I´ve thought of asking some of my friends who are in the Art industry to help me...but I´m worried that the paint would come off....and other worries...since I sweat alot...anyway this would be something that I would do later...no hurry...no money

that´d be cool. if they are versed in any lacquer finished painting, then it´d be no prob. try to get a cheapo for the job first... spare your gibson, man!