One-handed Bass Player

heh. this was posted sometime ago too, but i am also amazed by his great tapping technique! makes me , a two-handed player much more motivated to go practice :D
i feel like slapping the fella who said: "we should give the handicapped a chance"

i think the handicapped should give me a chance ~!
rylche said:
heh. this was posted sometime ago too, but i am also amazed by his great tapping technique! makes me , a two-handed player much more motivated to go practice :D

Can you pls get me the link for it. i'm trying to find out as much on this guy as possible.
he was in bass player mag a few issues back... if i can (or someone else) i'll go find the issue and scan it in :)
due to his disability i must say that some aspects of bass playing is not available to him .. eg.. slap technique .. harmonics will be tough .. but possible .. but i must say if he's blind and handicapped ..

he must have worked extremely hard to reach that kind of level .. kudos to his undying spirit! .. this shows we should never lose heart if we can't catch something first .. work work ! ..
he's tapping the bass for more than 5mins.. his fingers are damn strong.. well i guess it's like they said.. u lose 1 of ur senses ur other senses abilities will increase..
it's the only way he plays what. it'll force you to build stamina beyond normal playing. he's playing fretless.
How do you know he's looking ???
lol ~!

dude ...
i duno la ... i saw it .. they say he's blind and only has one hand ...
ok lor ... :)

maybe he's holding the hook also ?
i duno man ... :)

wad i do know ... is he is damn good ~
and that he has inspired me to practise more ...

my ring finger on my left hand was re-attached at the tip, just below the nail... thus i do not not feel the string when i fret with that finger... or sometimes i accidently touch the other strings without realising ...
nebo1981 said:
my ring finger on my left hand was re-attached at the tip, just below the nail... thus i do not not feel the string when i fret with that finger... or sometimes i accidently touch the other strings without realising ...

whoa dude .. what happened man?? .. but really .. i think he's a source of inspiration for all of us .. if such a person like him can reach a level with so much work .. i think we all can do that also if we put in effort to work at our skill level and practice practice and practice .. of course exposure to live band situations will help greatly ..