New Online Strum & Pluck Ukulele Course


Happy new year 2021.
There will be new online Strum & Pluck Ukulele Course starting on the 15th January 2021.

Different from my Elementary & Intermediate class that focus more in the concept (solo chord-melody concept, making variation in melody, etc) this class is about utilising ukulele as accompaniment instrument. It will train you in groove & in feeling the musical rhythm as well as teach you variations in strumming.
Here's some sample of what you'll be learning in class :

Take a look of the details of the class here (apologise for the confusion of the fb event page that writes "free"...when I chose "paid event" it gave me option about the price without giving me open answer. Anyway...just go to the "description" to see the details) -

See you in our fun class for our "chang chang chang" together, meanwhile enjoy the Island Style tutorial this week