Nec. to have own effects to do jamming? Help


New member
Hi i m a new bie to electric guitar..

i have my electric guitar but i dont have any fx with me.. i use guitarport to prac and it need a com to function..

Do the amps at the jamming studio have efx for me to set, etc distortion,delay,reverb?

pls help!! thx
It depends which studio you go to. Most if not all studios have amps with built in distortion. If you're lucky, maybe some modulation.
Some jamming studios have Line 6 Amps or Marshall half stack with build in modulations and effects.
what is this half stack thing? i m not sure..

So its possible to bring only my guitar for jamming in a studio? i mean most studio have amps that have some modulations to play ard with..
Most jamming studios have amplifiers that have clean and distortion tones. That seems to be it... Unless they have Marshall AVT amplifiers that have effects but are real confusing to use if you don't own one and aren't familiar with it.

Personally, I use a multi-effects processor for everything.
i am considering whether to get a new guitar or a multi fx.. if i get new guitar i got no $ for fx.. vice versa.. which one is a better choice guys?
you are damn lucky. i cleared my room and found some old multi effects i wont use anymore, a korg ax10g and a zoom g1x, selling each for 50 bucks only :p

pardon the shameless self promotion
i am considering whether to get a new guitar or a multi fx.. if i get new guitar i got no $ for fx.. vice versa.. which one is a better choice guys?

Why would you be considering a new guitar? Guitars by themselves don't contain any distortion circuitry or effects. With regards to this thread, sure, you may get a nicer guitar, but it's not going to help the problem that you're trying to address with this thread.
Why would you be considering a new guitar? Guitars by themselves don't contain any distortion circuitry or effects. With regards to this thread, sure, you may get a nicer guitar, but it's not going to help the problem that you're trying to address with this thread.

agreed, you'll still be stuck with a problem without having modulations to play around with, as most studios have only a bigass amp with a clean and dirty channel