My latest project


New member
haha with so many people showing off their latest diy guitars well heres my new project..unsanded and unpolished...i foresee dat it will look damn chio once glossed...

here its is black sparkle strat..


actually its for a friend..haha and for those of you who havent seen my last project, its a sea foam green tele...sounds damn rocking lah...its using tonerider pickups..i feel its damn underrated here in guys should really try it out..

and to all the diy enthusiats

this is a very good sealant guys shld try it out...makes your guitar velvet smooth..coat it on ur raw neck and get a damn nice satin feel dat lasts..and it seals the body great and dry in literally seconds...
Have you tried RJ Dull Lacquer? Is the sanding sealant similar to the RJ?

I've not used any specific sanding sealant before but based on your description, it sounds a bit like the RJ Dull Lacquer.
haha the tele has been done for quite a while just lazy to take pics ...

hmm the sealant is folkart sanding sealant..i tink its similar to the rj dull laquer...havent tried that before though..
sealers are meant to seal up wood pores and gives the plastic guitar look after painting! :D