Most versatile strat pickups and wiring


New member
Looking to replace the hot noiseless in my alder body/rosewood necked strat..loved the guitar, not satisfied with the sound (both OD and clean) is average at best..So any idea on the most versatile strat setups?

only SSS configuration as my guitar is not swimming pool routed...

Music played will be Radiohead, Oasis, coldplay, muse and other alternative and ambience music (vintage sound is not required but its a bonus ) and need to take pedals well. If possible also being able to play hard rock such as porcupine tree etc (just an added bonus)

Amp is fender deluxe reverb reissue or ac30 (Going to be getting either one, help me as well :D)

so many pickups these days..
get 3 single coil sized humbuckers and wire them so that they can be coil split/tapped or series/parallel. put in a 5 way switch and i think that should be versatile enough. what pickups to use then i dunno!
for wiring, use a 5 way mega switch and 3 push pull pot for, you can get 20 over combinations. Prolly overkill most, but if just wanna for the fun of it, this below, hard to beat. I have it in 2 of my single coils geetar back then.

anyway, if dont wanna this wiring, theres lotsa wiring ideas in the forum there as well, just go through it and see which one might be suitable.
I dig hot noiseless - If you dont like yours, TS ... can sell me cheap2 lah

Provide they are new /mint ....

sms 96909640 to deal
Fender has a new S1 switching. Can always try that.

If you're going into some greater mixes / fuzz / distortion, fender amp might be better...

Ambience normally I'd recommend Vox, cos it has that... shimmer / chime?
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Vintagey tones with the alternate rock sound? My take would be Tom Anderson's VA7R! Reverse wound for hum cancelling, good for both cleans and distortions. I checked them out on Youtube. Loved the sound. You pay for the good stuff though. It costs in excess of 200 bucks for ONE pickup. Means you can be looking at 650-700 bucks WITHOUT shipping for the set.
Can try the EMG Active Single coil.. They need a 9V battery to operate.. They are very fantastic pickup.. Tried one $300 TGM guitar with the EMG Pickup.. They are Heavenly man! You can't imagine how the playability and tone wise.. Very Fender Vintage feel.. (Even I am a les paul guy.. I love the EMG SA Pickup sound).. You need to drill a hole for the 9V battery..