More detailed intro about me!


New member
Hi there, I've joined soft because I want to meet up with other musicians and learn from them. I'm only a nooblet though lol.

The instrument I want to play: Drums! I really want to play drums in a band, although I have the big problem of being unable to play drums because I'm living in a stupid building...I've did a large amount of my learning about drums by watching my friends.

In order to make up for the absence of drums in my house, I practise "thigh whacking" with my drumsticks. I don't really like whacking objects because I'll spoil them and my dad will shout at me for making a racket :) I've done this thigh whacking for so long that I've created my own imaginary four piece drum kit!

I play my imaginary drums by accurately whacking them in the right if you give me a drum set I'll have no problems at all. I also train my stick control and the feel for the drums on practise pads. Right now I'm still trying to train my coordination between the high hat and the kick to do various kinds of beats, as well as learning the 21 drum rudiments.

So far along my only teacher has been the internet...I'm wondering what other internet sites you reccommend? Also, if there are any drum events coming up that I may attend? :p
welcome to soft. i'm not really a drummer but i've been learning how to play for the past few months or so. it appears that i'm not the only one who plays with an imaginary drum kit. lol
haha, my secret is quite embarrassing to reveal. i actually learned some basic drumming from playing Rock Band. yes, i'm aware that there's only 4 pads but i apply what i learn from that on a real drum set.
if u love drumming so much i guess it wont hurt by buying a Pratice pad n actually u can get a drum set in a building, HDB i have one n lives in a hdb. no1 complained cause i put a very thick silencer in my drums n play with rods.but yes buy the pratice pad first if u wan to flourish ur drumming
you know why thigh whacking, or air drumming, is not an accurate representation of real playing? one word: rebound..

coordination is not everything. playing the right beat is not everything. you learn soon in your journey of drumming..good luck.
Yup an get a pad and invest in a metronome which helps you to practise your stroke in accordance to the tempo. this is really important as we are the key time keeper.

Try playing full note, hlaf note then quarter on the pad with metronome on 80 tempo first.


if u love drumming so much i guess it wont hurt by buying a Pratice pad n actually u can get a drum set in a building, HDB i have one n lives in a hdb. no1 complained cause i put a very thick silencer in my drums n play with rods.but yes buy the pratice pad first if u wan to flourish ur drumming
Hi there, I've joined soft because I want to meet up with other musicians and learn from them. I'm only a nooblet though lol.

So far along my only teacher has been the internet...I'm wondering what other internet sites you reccommend? Also, if there are any drum events coming up that I may attend? :p

Welcome Titan.....that nice...and that's also the core reasons why I had joined Soft initially.

Tell you what..I've an Idea - how best to get you many many free teacher (& Tips) =- for FREE..........and you have already got half of the Answer correct here -

You start a Thread - - called (Drummers...Do You Want DXS To Come Alive Once Again?)

from above - - - - let's all see - if we can have back the (1) Level Of Involvement from the Drummers here, (2)The Passion but (easier said than done) --- these require

TIME & COMMITMENT to sustain.nnnnnnnn it. (from everyone not just the Committee Members)

If everyone wanna try - - - 1st thing 1st

WE NEED A VENUE......and A PROPER ONE.......then the rest will follow .... This is the Pre-Requisite now.