Million dollar challenge to speaker cable audiophiles


New member
I was searching online for information about speaker cables... ive been using normal .. guitar cables... which i know is wrong. ( but for low volume playing it works ok ) ... was hoping to get better quality cables for both my amps...

I happened to come across this article with this James randi guy offering 1million bucks to anyone who can prove the US$7250 Pear cables are really better then the common monster cable. So far no one has stepped up...i really wonder why... ahaha...

after reading this article ... Im buying monster cables for my amps.
"Maybe this is unique. Maybe most "Stereophile" clientele are highly educated in acoustics and can sort through all these phrases that sound alien to us regular people. Maybe it means something to be "harmonically fuller," or to have better "pitch definition" (more in tune?). Maybe not.
Here's what I think: this guy dropped all this money on those speakers because he trusted the reviews. He fell prey to the lie of consumerism — more money means better quality — and "Stereophile" happily fills the silence by pandering to gear greed with bullshit terminology so it sounds like they know what they're talking about. A reader may think they know what "harmonically fuller" means, because audio perception is so personal and subjective. Just imagine, your favorite music Harmonically Fuller. Wouldn't that sound better? Even for the suckers (apparently rich suckers) at the bottom of the "Stereophile" food chain, there's something elitist about it all. They throw money at stereo equipment, and by simply playing music for their friends, they can show off their superior taste and wealth. There is a science to accurately reproducing recorded audio, but I guess science doesn't pay the bills for "Stereophile." I'm glad you're calling them on it."Andrew Schauer
I just use the speaker cable that MrMisse made for me. Love the neutrik heads, they "bite" well into the jacks, that's all that matters to me...
After I read this, I went on to Sim Lim Tower, purchased 1/2 a metre of 12AWG speaker wire, 2 amphenol jacks and $4 of workmanship - Vola! I got myself a good, QUALITY speaker cable for my Mesa and Hotplate! (FYI - Total cost $11)

Do we need Branded speaker cable? Its all about taste and preference that I concluded. Personally I dont buy into those marketing talks.

Hey CM, if you read the article you have posted, even Monster Cables are deemed overpriced. Do yourself a favour, go down to SL, "custom make" some speaker cables to your required length, make sure that the cable ends are properly soldered. You will be as happy as me.
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haha I did read it... And I do have one of those grey speaker do it on the spot cables from sim lim... But I'm in the market for some thing snazzy... Haha and actually monster cables are built to last man... Not too concerned about the sound as im pretty sure its decent.
audiophiles think with their egos and wallets thats why.


$159USD jar of magical pebbles that improve sound when placed in the room.

they also make an alarm clock that does the same thing, electrical outlet covers (ditto) and best of all, a "Teleportation Tweak - Long-Distance Audio System Upgrade" which basically means they call you, and magically your audio system sounds better. killer.

i'm really thinking of going into the business.

oh yeah, monster cables are overrated, overpriced, and have deplorable business practices.. google it.
hmmm ..that bad ah?? well i did see the ... 50 ft of cable difference display in some website...

But my memories of monster cables are... 5-6years old... when Adam had his RG2020 7 string..etc... i remembered them being damn tough and really built to last... Unsane u got any better recomendations?

or should i really just go simlim for a Grey speaker cable with neutrik heads again?
Canare GS6 + Neutrik head will do to connect amp head to speaker cabinet.

Good choice. A pity the canare with thick gauges also come with thick sleeve, too much/inflexible for my usage. But a good and economical choice, no doubt.

Yo Chan, no need go for grey cable lah. Sim Lim got many many types! I got those transparent sleeve, thick guage ones, like I mentioned earlier - 12AWG! Very good conductivity, thick gauge --> maximum signal retention! This one you should know. But make sure they solder well and cramp the wire end real firm.

But do a research on the type of wire, there are those copper and silver wire ones available, didn't know which one is better. Anyway, if its good for car and home audio, I dont see why they are no good for guitar amp. Just my opinion.
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haha .. yea i think i'll just pop by simlim... or order from RDM ..

i actually prefer those thick insulated cables for amp head - cab connections... prefer em hardy~ since they wont be moved much.
i'd recommend the canare 4s8 with neutrik plugs dude. i'm using em with gnh plugs and they're really really great. i won't advise monster tho, my experience with they're cables have been a real hit or miss. some of em have lasted really long, while some have failed really quick, tho nothing a re-soldering couldn't fix.
Zaolla and Evidence Audio user here.

I use them because I hear a difference.

I told EA I wouldn't be interested in their product unless I could prove to myself that there was an audible difference. They sent me a set and I play-tested it enough to admit they made a difference.

I tried Zaolla's and a few others on a whim .. liked the Zaollas best of the lot and felt it contrasts nicely with the EAs.

Your milleage may vary ... if you're short on $$$, there are better ways to use the money to improve your tone.

... for example, invest in a Tuner and take Lessons ;););)
You can't explain mojo, let alone prove it. So i guess his million dollars is safe... He should donate some to MadWerewolfBoy's fund for investment...

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