Mark Hoppus,blink 182 bassist

mark hoppus

i know he using pick ...but wud i mean is that how the hell he can swing his wrist like over all those 4 bass strings when he downstroke and still can acurrately hit the e.g, 'A string' when he upstroke..does it take a lot of practise?
a lot of left hand muting. Accuracy isn't an issue for him, cos everytime the guitar starts playing, the bass gets so lost in the mix, he might be hitting plenty of wrong notes for all we know
lol i dont think there is any technique involve.. advice is just download some tabs..and play it over and over again,..
muscle memory...

just remember that you dont have to playl ike mark hoppus...just farking act the part..and people might just you play like mark..etc etc... :)
a lot of left hand muting. Accuracy isn't an issue for him, cos everytime the guitar starts playing, the bass gets so lost in the mix, he might be hitting plenty of wrong notes for all we know
its worth noting that mark hoppus' signature bass doesn't even have a tone control :rolleyes:

the biggest joke was seeing carousel being played live, hoppus always slings his bass way too low, and in order to play the intro riff and chords he actually had to SIT DOWN. WTF POSER :confused:
I love Mark Hoppus ! haha he got me started on bass then i moved on the guitar , just press a note and keep strumming it
i am contemplating playing guitar more seriously... so that i can mess around with a greater number EFFECTS. this year's EHX lineup has been most tempting. i have already ordered one