Mad Professor Golden Cello for sale - MINT and CHEAP!


New member
Hi all,

I have on hand for sale a unit of the Mad Professor Golden Cello in MINT condition.

This pedal used to be ONLY available from Guitar Center or Musician's friend at the lowest price of $270 excluding shipping charges. I could be wrong but I think they have been discontinued.

I am selling it for $250 in 100% MINT condition. Played indoors twice by a friend with no scratches, dings, dents or rust. You spot any you can reject it.

For those not familiar, the Golden Cello is an exclusive pedal developed by Mad Professor effects to give that 200lbs cello tone or golden cello tone depending on who your references are. In this case, Eric Johnson is definitely the inspiration behind it. He actually played one during a demo for Guitar Center. This is what Wampler did with Guitar center and Musician's Friend with the exclusive Sovereign Distortion pedal although the Sovereign and Golden Cello DO NOT sound the same.

Basically the pedal combines a fuzz like overdrive with a tape delay. The fuzz like overdrive is reminiscent of wampler's velvet fuzz where the tone is somewhat a cross between a fuzz and a distortion. This is a good thing if your fuzz is not cutting through in a band setting or if your amp cant be cranked to a comfortable breaking level the way a typical fuzz likes it. Add to that a decent tape delay emulation and you have essentially one of the nost classic tones ever. It will not guarantee you will play like or sound totally like Eric Johnson but the tone absolutely nails Hendrix's Red House even through a cleanish amp like a Fender Blues Junior or Princeton reverb.

There are tons of youtube demos on this pedal with pretty impressive players showing what kind of classic tones the pedal can deliver. For those who need versatility on their delays, you can simply turn down the delay and add your own delay unit after. The delay lengths and repeats are preset but can be adjusted via internal trim knobs inside the pedal. The presets in this case has not been adjusted as they have been optimised to best emulate the eric Johnson type of tone.

IMHO the only chance of getting a better similar classic tone is if you have a real vintage germanium fuzzface paired with an echoplex OR using more modern gear, an Analogman Sunface NKT275 with a Fulltone tube tape echo. Either way it will set you back by over a thousand dollars. A simple classic silicon fuzz with a roland RE-20 might also come close at a cheaper price (around $400) although not as good. Same case with a cheap Dunlop fuzzface paired with a line 6 DL4. Fact is a good fuzz distortion hybrid tone is not easy to achieve hence Analogman's astrotone fuzz and Wampler's Velvet fuzz being developed. Also a good tape delay tone like the classic echoplex is not easy to emulate digitally. Most sound sterile. Else the Fulltone's tube tape echo would not even sell much less at such an exorbitant price of over a thousand.

If you need an overdrive or distortion and can only take one pedal then this could be the one. Why is my friend selling it? Well this pedal while being excellent as it is, is just another "excellent" pedal amongst his hundreds of pedals collection..including an Analogman sunface and a Fulltone tube tape echo. You got to slap the guy and ask why the f**& did he even bother to buy another pedal. I know I asked.

Interested parties please call

9889 3359