Logic Express/Studio: Solving the "SYSTEM OVERLOAD PROBLEM"


New member
* This thread pertains only to those who uses the DAW Logic Express/Studio
and experiences halts with error messages such as the above
(To skip explanation, scroll all the way down for SOLUTION)


Ever experience "System Overload" messages while playing back your tracks in Logic Express/Studio when you're running a relatively good system say Intel Core 2 Duo and at least 2 GB RAM?
You're not alone.

It usually happens especially when you're using tracks with VSTi like piano, addictive drums, and other instruments which is triggered with MIDI. But your CPU can actually handle that, except that Logic is not allowing more resource usage. Or worse, 2-3 tracks of audio and you're already seeing RED spikes on your CPU meter in Logic.

(What CPU Meter?)
Here's an image:

It just needs 1 of your CPU cores to spike FULL RED at the TOP to cause SYSTEM OVERLOAD message.
(Core 2 Duo has two cores, Core 2 Duo Quad has 4, i5 has 4, i7 has 4 x 2, etc)

It's probably a bug. The community thinks that Logic is NOT fully optimized to utilize your system resources.

How to solve?
Well, we just tell Logic to be more generous in using your Mac's resources.

SOLUTION Step by Step:
1. You can do this automatically by opening the Script Editor in the /Applications/AppleScript/ folder and pasting in the following:

2. Paste the codes below:

tell application "Logic Pro"
end tell
set the_lines to paragraphs of (do shell script "ps -U $USER")
set the_app to "Logic Pro"
set the_line to ""
repeat with this_line in the_lines
if this_line contains the_app then
set the_line to this_line
end if
end repeat
if the_line is "" then return
set the_pid to word 1 of the_line
do shell script "renice -20 " & the_pid password "yourpasswordhere" with administrator privileges

REMEMBER: Provide your administrator password in the last line, and save the script as an application in a location easy to access. Open it whenever you want to open Logic Pro. More information about the command, including the purpose of the -20, is available in this article.

4. Save the script and name it to say, "Logic Studio Neo" and change the icon if you want.

5. Instead of clicking on your LOGIC STUDIO icon to open, CLICK on your new SAVED SCRIPT you've done above.

Compare the CPU METER between Logic run by ->
i) Usual Logic Express/Studio operation. You'll probably see one of your CORES spike to red easily without many tracks in your mix.

ii) The SAVED SCRIPT. You'll probably see less spikes and no RED. :)


This solution solved my problem and I do hope that this thread helps all the Logic users out there who encounters this annoying problem time and time again.
Peace out. :p
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The VSTi itself can also be the culprit. EXS-24, for example, doesn't handle large samples well enough as compared to something like Kontakt.

I don't use Logic now. But during the days when Logic was still a PC software (and when PC is not as powerful), I use Gigastudio within Logic (not EXS) and I get about 30 midi tracks concurrently running a full orchestra. That's because Gigastudio is excellent at handling large samples. Well, Logic ditched PC, Tascam ditched Gigastudio... Kontakt is currently one of the most efficient softsampler if you want to load huge stuff like a gigantic Steinway piano.
I bought a few NI library, agree Kontakt is better in handling large library. Back to the thread. Behind the script. It is actually how OS handle all the resource. All the processes have to handle back to the OS. These is very little chance the application can crash the OS. When an application stuck or hang, you could get to OS finder and do a force quit. There is no damage to the OS core system. This is how UNIX system work too.
Kontakt seems pretty popular. Gonna check it out.

"It is actually how OS handle all the resource. All the processes have to handle back to the OS. These is very little chance the application can crash the OS. When an application stuck or hang, you could get to OS finder and do a force quit. There is no damage to the OS core system. This is how UNIX system work too."
>> I'm a computer engineer and I've no idea what you're talking about. There's no crashing here, or hang or a need for force-quit. There's no mention of dmg to the OS core system,whatever you're trying to chunk out here.

What happens here is the Logic pops up a window saying "System overload, blah blah blah" and your playback/record halts. That's it. But it's bad enough especially when there's only 3 tracks or less playing in the background. Something's wrong with the cpu resource priority given to the application and it has been even since before Logic 8 (mentioned by some users who experience the same problem back then). The script just overrides priority of the cpu scheduling to give more priority in terms of CPU resources to the Logic Application.
Added a new image and replaced the CPU meter image.
This is what i'm actually talking about and nothing to do with crashing the OSX. :)
Hope this never happens to you, but if it does, the script will probably solve this annoyance.
Well, I do get this kind of message after installation of Logic. When you use it often, it start to reduce it's frequency. Now only get it when load huge sample library. Also my setting are tuned to playback mode, highest buffer size, no software monitoring,....etc.

>> I'm a computer engineer and I've no idea what you're talking about. There's no crashing here, or hang or a need for force-quit. There's no mention of dmg to the OS core system,whatever you're trying to chunk out here.

I came across a presentation of on how application and their OS sharing the resources on the computer. That was way back when Window XP was new. Back then Window application can have as much resource itself and return resource to OS when it finish. Sound nice as application can run at full speed ahead. But when the application is buggy and not return the resources back to OS. The entire computer can experience hang, crush or whatever. When the computer does hang, and you cannot quit properly. You may face some file loose or whatever stuff. While OSX and alike OSes, the OSX has the overall control of the whole computer. The application have to give back resource at certain point of time. So when application hang, you can do force quit on that buggy application.

Never got hang,crash or force quit? hmm.... so lucky.:p
jeremyspk : I don't use mac nor logic, but good job on the guide. allow me to THANK YOU for sharing with us. ironic how rare that is these days esp for other mac/logic users who can relate to this thread.
Actually, I try a few time. Using this script can make Logic quite easier on high load. I suggest load and play until logic is smooth to play high demand load.
@kongwee, Icic. I think OSX handles better than Windows since the beginning of time. But Win7 seems good. I pretty much can live with Windows 7 if Logic and Apogee exists over there. Too bad they don't.
Yea, my Logic don't really crash half-way or what. Although I got it to crash during bounce, (and i lost 2 hrs of personal tracking and mixing work) it rarely happens. :/

@Ron, yea, that message box is a pain-in-the-ass since the time I started with Logic Express. I saw how other communities actually worked around that problem, and it really works well, I thought I'll share this to fellow Logic users. But weird, don't seem to be many Logic users around huh.
Great info! Thanks for sharing!

Ran the script.
Still having 'system overloads'... but less frequent.

Happens when I replay a certain section over and over with multiple plugins running per channel, during editing.
I suspect it has to do with either my buffer being too low (was set to 128), or my hard disk aging.... or both.
It's a pain I've been 'conditioned' to :mad: .. what helps a bit is if you hit spacebar to stop each time before playing back a section during edits.
256 or 512 on buffer size also helps a bit while mixing... or it could be all in my head...:p
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Hey Joel,
yeah the buffer thing settings is sure essential.
The script is for those who had set their settings to proper yet still encounter the "System Overload" event.

How many cores are you using? (The script will certainly help to "even" out the usage of your cores than just spiking 1 of them.)

And yea, could be the multiple plugins. Try using AUX channels and feed multiple tracks who uses the same plugins? Perhaps you're already doing that :)
Hmmm...does it works with other DAWs? As in if I change the "Logic Pro" in the script to other DAWs name such as "Pro Tools", will it work?
I haven't use Pro Tools.
But if Pro Tools is facing similar problems, the script could help although I'm not sure about that.
No harm trying :)
Well, it will work with any program. The main thing is the renice command line. You could read about it in the web.