Linux User


New member
Are there any Linux user here? If there is, i want to know what internet service provider do you all use because i had been to the three main service provider in spore and none of them support linux.. I wanna use e M1 or singtel mobile broadband thing but i m unsure if it does support linux.. When i called up all of them say can but when i go down to the shop, they say can't..
You have to understand that GNU/Linux is not a very marketable product yet, hence the lack of direct support from most commercial mainstream (consumer) IT-related companies. It's upto you to figure out how to get it to work; no technical support from them.

To answer your questions:

M1 == Yes, using the Huawei E220 myself.
Starhub == According to others, yes.
Singtel == Unsure

Look here, here and/or here for anything more.
#include <stdio.h>

int main ()

printf("Bro why you wanna use Linux? Windows/Mac better for everyday use right?");

return 0;

hehe hope you understood that. I just started using Linux coz im taking ComEng in uni, dont really like it. Unless your a hardcore programmer.

not too sure bout ISPs tho.
Hey guys.. tnks for helping me out.. i m really grateful.. I m not really good at this computer stuff so i can't really understand all e codes n wat e hardware zone forum is talkin about.. But After readin it all, i m quite convinced that M1 broadband could be used on Linux. The other question that is on my mind now is that i m using the asus eeepc and it only has a small memory space, will i still be able to d.l the code n use? n is it advisable for me to get the M1 broadband on mobile now and then try to figure out how to use? as there is a 2yr contract on tt thing..
Yeah I guessed you're using a device which came with Linux pre-installed. Don't have to worry then. You just have to go to the network connection setup and click away, no need to "d.l the code". Haven't used an Eee extensively so I can't clarify anything. Maybe blueprinstudios can advise but I don't know if he used the default XandrOS before installing XP (you can do that too).

Eee Wiki
VR-Zone Eee Sub-forum

Ndiswrapper is for unsupported wireless chips, don't need that either. And no, Linux is not only for hackers (aka programmers). If you mean crackers, then it's FreeBSD. Ever since Ubuntu it's been working alright for the average person. If you don't want to go through the trouble of installing Windows, then please install something visually pleasing like a Linux distribution eg. eeeXubuntu on which you can install and use KDE as the default GUI environment:
hahah, thanks for suggesting for my advise, however , even if xandros was "user friendly" , i can't get away from what I grew up with. I have my own personalised XP version that only takes up 1.4gb + openoffice softwares + portableapps including my own hacked (I own the original copy mind you) version of cool edit DAW only taking up 10mb.

this says it all.

go with XP la. buggy at first, but Service pack fixed as much of it.

80cents worth.
Most Linux distributions have support for most of the modems. You should be able to get it working with either of them without doing anything. Of course if you wanna be safe you can just try it out with a friend's modem first, but I wouldn't worry abt it.

You only need ndis wrapper if your wireless card in your eee is not working with the linux OS, but in your case is it.

But yeah have to disagree with the opinion that it is an OS for hackers. There are a lot of benefits as compared to Windows , my 2 fav ones.

1. Amarok - Best music player out there, better than anything on Windows.
2. Synaptic - Amazing app that lets you search and install almost any application without having to hunt for it on the web.
Hey ppl.. Tnk u so much for helping.. i m really grateful.. but to b honest, all this words seems abit chim to me.. i m not very good at computer.. The Asus eeepc is only 8Gb, so i dun think running it on windows is a good idea.. I tried running it on XP before, its alot too slow but i m more comfortable wit it though.. The storage space is so small becoz it is only meant for surfing the net but after i brought it, i realise i can't use any internet services, because it is running on Linux.. But i guess, wat i gonna do now is juz get the M1 mobile broadband and try to get it started.. Is there anyone that i can seek technical help from? maybe the Asus service counter or what? Also, is there any where i could try the M1 mobile broadband before buying it?
" i realise i can't use any internet services, because it is running on Linux"

Not sure what this means, you mean you tried connecting to the internet but it doesn't work?

If so, I think you are better off seeking help at , since that forum is for that laptop.

But for the m1 mobile broadband, you could get the model no. of the broadband and then call your asus line and ask them if it is supported.