Line 6 Gearbox


New member
Hi guys,

Of late, reading the line 6 forums, the Gearbox plug-ins haven't been fairing well in the OSX Leopard platform. Various crashes, i/o problems and incompatibilities.

What I'm asking is
Does anyone have the Gearbox rigg set up on their Macs? Or what are the working alternatives to this system do you have?
Mainly monitoring with FX while recording dry guitar, then adding and tweaking the amp sims later, is what I'm looking at.

i know nothing about mac, but I just read this magazine that "OSX Leopard" isn't stable. anyway you might wanna change the OS to a better one or either that go down to citymusic and test /ask the staff?

it works totally fine on my tiger os. although it might hav some hanging prob once a while

I have been using gearbox plug-ins with Leopard and Logic without incident. I think alot of problems are user configs. However there are a few quirks with line 6 hardware that seems to be more of an irritant: such as the line outputs are quite unstable. I have been a line 6 user for many years and have found myself steadily drifting away from their products. The problems that I have had with any recording/music interfaces is usually inherent of the crappy drivers being written *cough* (m-audio). And lack educating myself before jumping into it. Cheers!

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