Left Handed-Drummer


New member
Hello my fellow drummers out there, i need some advice.

You see, i just started learning drums 2months ago and i planning to get a double pedal to start learning using double pedal. Problem is, whenever i go studio to jam with my friends, i noticed all the double pedals is for right handed drummer.

You see, as a left-handed drummer, my left leg is dominant and i can't find a way to make the double pedal to go to the right.

Is there a way for the double pedals to cater to left-handed drummer?

Please need advice and thanks for reading!
well as a matter of fact there are! Tama has left-handed iron cobra power-glide twin pedal, pearl has some elims that are left-handed =)
If you want to play fully left handed, you can still use the standard right legged double paddle. All you need to do is reshuffle the drum set configuration. Remove the right tom (usually the 12” or 13”) and shift it to the left of the tom in front of the snare (usually the 10” or the 12”). You need to use the cymbal stand to secure this tom. The free space on the right tom can accommodate the hi hat. This can be tricky because of the hi hat legs. The ride cymbal and the floor tom will also be shifted to the left accordingly. The snare and the double paddle remain where they are. Email me at drums521965@yahoo.com.sg. I can send you the drawing

To play left handed, be prepared to go through the trouble of shifting the drums every time you play, whether in a studio or gigs. I’ve been there. Its very troublesome especially in gigs, pubs where the drums are miked and the space is so tight to shift the drums

Since you are starting out, it is useful to start with playing right hand kit like normal right handed drummer. You will build up the strength of your weaker right hand and right foot. Your option in future will be much better because you have balance and better control on all four limbs. See Billy Cobham, Simon Philips style of play, They can play the ride the cymbal with either left or right hands.

good luck
wow, thanks alot of the advices given, appreciated much.

It is not that i can't play with my right hand, however im preferred to using my left hand, i feel that my left hand got more power LOL.

Yesyes, i gotta agree in studio need reshuffle all of the drums configuration. I can play the cymbals, both with my right and left hand.

The problem lies with my leg, im really a left-leg dominant, this is why me resulting in deciding to be left-handed drummer cause my right leg definitely got some problem.

After countless practices and training, it still would'nt adapt.

Hence, i am looking for a double pedal to cater for left-handed drummer such as myself.

By the way, does ADP sells double pedals specially for left-handed?