Jealous boyfriend beats 3-year old child to death


New member
I'm sure most people would have read this news today.

Viciously beating a defenseless 3 year old child to death is really sickening. On the child's birthday some more. And just because he is jealous over him. Can't believe such people actually exist in S'pore. And the court of law is way too inconsistent and to put it bluntly...stupid. Isn't it disturbing that this brutal killer is getting away with only 7 years in jail, while a molester who sniffed women's armpit got 15 years behind bars?

Anyway, that guy ought to be strung upside down with a low-E guitar string tied around his testicles till it pops!
oh yes i read it! it was the cover on (i presume) today's newpaper (i found it lying on the table, thus the presumption).

and it's so damn sad! the things he did to that boy were just sick. it made me boil from within just reading it
"On the day he slammed the boy's head, he had also grabbed, shaken and bit his genitals. " WTH!. Enraged and jealous for a stupid reason. Pity the boy.
Put him in for 7 years only so that he comes out fast and we can beat him senseless.
If his prison inmates know what he did, they would probably beat him to a pulp. They might have committed crimes, but not as cowardly as bashing a 3 year old to death.
I'm glad they didn't charge him for murder. Putting him in a cell and letting him get tortured by other prisoners and jail wardens for the SHIT that he did to the poor kid is more suitable punishment than simply hanging him.

Twelve strokes? Should be twenty five if you ask me.
If i happen to see him again,i will reformat his bones and squeeze his blood dry simultaneously.
Look at his face,what a loser,his nose needs to be torn apart from his face by my fingers. I want to show him what inhumane is all about. Sometimes,you just got to punish someone by your own hands.Let's see if he dares to come out from jail.
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from my opinion.
He should hang to death
Stoned to death
Rape to death
Violated to death
Carve out his eyes
Carve out his limb and let him live
Chop of his hands

so yeah

7 years is still not convincing to me for beating up a kid to death
If his prison inmates know what he did, they would probably beat him to a pulp. They might have committed crimes, but not as cowardly as bashing a 3 year old to death.

Yea I know. I mean after all that.

Oh the awful things I'm going to do to a person like that... :)
You'd think that clown from Saw was barney if you put him next to me. I'd gladly slice his face open and hang him upside down via hooks through his crotch.

I think the child molesters are going to have it easy once he goes in. Everyone is going to start beating the shit out of him.

Anyway, on a less morbid note, anyone else thinks he looks like mojo jojo?
It's really sad to think that the life of an innocent toddler, with so many years ahead of him to see the world, is taken away just like that...all because of the craziness of an adult jealous of him. The poor child probably didn't know why and what he died for. As for the killer...7 years, and after the "good behavior 1/3 remission sentence"...that will be 4-5 years! Yeah, it sucks alright.
He should be sentenced to death, this is murder. Are the laws too soft? I believe in the near future Singapore would be like USA, just jailing killers instead of sentencing them to death [At the rate this goes].
C'mon guys
cant let this guy die an easy death
I can confirm the prisoners inside will grill him like a barbaeque
every single day
to kill this guy is an insult
Wow, that guy deserves th gallows. 7years is such a minimal proce to pay. Then again, he'll spend eternity in hell after he dies (Heh).

RIP to the young spirit.