Is my action too low?


New member
I notice that when ever i'm playing any notes above 12th fret my guitar become very sensitive as in when i press my finger down on the fret board (on the notes i wanted) the notes are amplified even before i pluck the string... ehh i don't know how to say but i hope you guys get what i mean... it's like i don't even have to pluck the sting to sound the note it juz comes out when my finger press down on the string of the fret board. It's not the sound from other strings but the strings that i fretted... its's like a ghost tone, a repeat of the note before my pick strike the string to give a full tone...

it's a 22 fret neck.

i don't remember my last guitar behave this way. Is it my playing method? or im playing not fast enough?
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It's called tapping.
Lower your volume/gain if you don't like it.

The action is only considered too low when your string starts hitting the frets when you play is open.
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wah your fingers so strong. :cool: just kidding

in my opinion, the only time your action will be TOO low is when there's a presence of fret buzz.

like this acoustic guitar i'm playing now :(

"Damn it Revelt!"
i think your muting techniques needs improvement :)
if you mute properly,there should be minimal noise
hmm, usually what I would think is that the portion of the neck that is after the 12th fret is more curved as compared to the previous 12 cos there might be the case whereby your neck is over tightened. do the notes on the first 12 frets sustain or die off real quick? higher action = louder sound while tapping a note.

I'm just guessing. have to see a guitar to conclude it.
not sure if u mean tapping ot hammer-ons. but if theres no buzz then the action is not too low.

there are no buzz but maybe as what relinquish69 say my action may be too high. Ya its like tapping but the thing is in situation i don't want to tab i change notes as my finger press down on the fret board it give off some tone before my pick even touches the string. It's like a 'ghost' tone before the actual notes ring after i strike the string. Try using a noise gate can solve?
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For the quickest remedy, send your guitar for check, re setup and check with the guitar tech for the problem.

Using noise gate for this, is really not the right way, without finding out what causes it. And even if finding out the reason for it, its still not usual/correct to use a noise gate for this.
i think he dont know how to mute the other strings that are not used when playing.its common for noise to occur when you fret a note and not mute other strings.
heres a link
a noise gate will not help in this as it only works when you stop playing,not when playing
i think he dont know how to mute the other strings that are not used when playing.its common for noise to occur when you fret a note and not mute other strings.
heres a link
a noise gate will not help in this as it only works when you stop playing,not when playing

No it's not the problem with sound from other string. I have no prob with that but the problem is when i fret a note by using my finger pressing down the string that i wanted (Other string is not generating unwanted sound) then there is a ghost tone of that note i fretted before my pick strike the string to have the full tone i wanted from the fretted note...

It may be a split second thing but i hear it and that is a problem... i wanted to zero in on the prob and hopefully solve it before bring it down for service.
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No it's not the problem with sound from other string. I have no prob with that but the problem is when i fret a note by using my finger pressing down the string then there is a ghost tone of that note i fretted before my pick strike the string to have the full tone i wanted from the fretted note... i wanted to zero in on the prob and hopefully solve it before bring it down for service.

sounds like u are hammering on the fret and ur picking hand doesnt pick the string fast enough?
i mean if u are pressing down on a fret and u havent pciked the string, its definitely gonna have the hammer-on sound. (which is like a 'ghost' note as u said thats not really loud enough coz u are not really hammering-on??)
bring the guitar over to a shop to get it looked it or bring it to a friend who knows something about guitars... that will be the easiest way to find out wahts wrong....
thats normal,dont use too much force when fretting,use just enough :)

Ohh... i see so it's normal. Oh and I_M_Ken got it right that's what im referring to. So i guess i better learn how to fret gently... that is kind of tough:( how.... especially when i'm all excited...

The thing is if i fret gentle my mind starts to think and thn i will get jammed/stuck:(
I think it is just the coordination between your right hand and left hand.
Practicing more should stop the problem.