Is leonard Soosay a Ripoff?

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New member
hi guys,

i know the subject topic is rather sensitive, but i really need to clear things up.

we all know that leo is a famous producer and has made many bands famous over the years, but in recent times i've been hearing rumours flying around that he is a "rip off" in terms of the quality he produces. I'm hearing stuff like he "chooses" who he really would "help". Furthermore, for the prices he is charging, we can probably get a better recording done somwhere else... is this true???

guys honestly, i'm VERY disturbed when i heard this, but i really want to know who out there has heard such rumors too.

Pls do post up ur opinions as i feel something is wrong out there.... jealousy i presume, or is this really true?

be honest aight,
i dun think he is a rip off or chooses who he wants to record.
he did his job well. and for the price... hmmm... sum frds did their EP and it sound superb.

do u have any bad experiences?
Sound like a kids with no understanding of how the market works again.

Lets use an analogy.

Lets say I sell chicken rice. $3 a plate. My chicken rice is good.
It's not super duper fantastic, but it's good enough that people line up until I cannot handle.
Now I up my price to $4. My chicken rice still tastes the same. The chicken rice next door to mine maybe tastes the same as mine, for $3. But I'm happy with my number of customers.

The people who don't want to spend $4 on a plate of chicken rice, are free to eat any other $3 chicken rice from any other shop which they feel are of the same standard.

Am I ripping people off?

Next week 2 of my friends wants me to cater for their event, they both want 100 packs of chicken rice on Saturday. I can only make 100 packs that day. So I tell friend A, sorry, I have to make for friend B.

Am I "choosing" who I want to "help"?
i'm not sure your definition of a "rip off" kinda don't tally. rip off means pay deposit already don't record...

but the rumours you "heard" is very true! for every other producer like how cedric of inversion is to mezavirs (coincidentally there's a cedric playing in mezavirs too!) and roland of bigear to the "biased" friends he choose and including ron of blueprint to the sallys / postbox / etc etc. indeed you can get "better recording" done somewhere else especially if the person who told you this rumour is a producer himself.

by the way these X Files I've read about it before. just only. from you.

good luck with your future endeavours may you eat well sleep well.

9999¢ worth
Leonard Soosay does a very good job of sound engineering, where did you get that idea from? I can safely say on behalf of the rest of oshiego, that we are very satisfied by his work on our tracks at snakeweed studios.
Eh, we and most of our acts have worked with him for the past few years. No complaints from us. In fact, we think he is the most suitable guy for some of our acts to work with. His rates are not the cheapest amongst the indie/ underground producers but it's decent.

Threadstarter, would you be interested in recording in places like the now-defunct Schtung Studio where you pay ard $300/hr? Major label acts record at such studios, you know. Go for it!!!

Maybe it's that some of the bands which all these engineers/ producers record (not just Leonard) suck real goats' balls? If you wanna sound like U2 or Metallica, no post-production aid can help you if you can't play like them.

One thing great about Snakeweed I guess is all those issues of FHM lying around.

+ 10 points.
Stop this!

My 2 cts worth is that this must stop now.

Not only is this an unwarranted personal attack on Leonard's intergrity, it is also potentially defamatory of Leonard's reputation.

C'mon this is his rice bowl - say what you want over coffee but I think it's not proper for anyone to put these "rumors" in a public forum like this.
if you need to "clear things up", why don't you do it with the man himself?

And why are you "VERY" disturbed about the "rumors"? Didn't you mention you could take your dough and get a "better" recording done somewhere else?

All I can say is, the industry and scene is really small here, better think before you post such stupid things.
You're only ripped off when you've paid for something, with the expectation that you'd recieve what's promised to you - and the deliverables were below the standard and specifications of what was promised. Basically when you've been a victim of fraud and misrepresentation.

Just think of this example. Say you're in a band, you're all young players and you're relatively inexperienced. You've got a couple songs that you think are the shit, and you wish to lay down some tracks in a well-regarded studio where many "well-known" bands have recorded. You pick Leonard Soosay cos his name's on the credits of many local albums. You're excited, you save up around $3000 to 4000, basically for 50 odd hours of recording time hoping to come up with an album or at least an EP, since you've heard that many bands can do that.

It turns out your band takes 10 hours to record drum tracks for the 1st song. Leonard takes 4 hours to edit them just so they're in time. the next 36 hours of studio time are spent alternately tracking guitars, which your guitarist has to spend hours on the guitar solo, and has no concept of how to layer tracks tracks and hence flounders around for the next few hours. The guitar tone sounds like how you'd expect a Zoom 2.1 multieffects processor set on a Mesa Boogie amp sim through a tube amp head, because that's what your guitarist is using.

Your bass player isn't really locking in with your drummer because the drum tracks are edited and quantized so much that it barely resembles the original incarnation of it, which then needs more editing time. Your singer spends hours trying to squeeze something that resembles a tune and with some level of phrasing out of his diaphragm. Leonard has a field day with AutoTune. After all this tracking, you have about 2 hours left for mixing.

Your friends hear the 1 song you paid thousands for and laugh, because your song basically wasn't any good to begin with, and the recording and mixing doesn't sound anything like what you hear from Ocean Way or Abbey Road studio, or heck, anything even the other bands that Snakeweed has recorded.

Instead of taking from this experience the valuable lesson that (1) you're not ready to record yet; (2) you should really rehearse and practise and write better songs with better structures and arrangements; (3) you can't polish a turd; (3) and (4) you're still not ready to record yet - you go and spread rumours that Leonard Soosay is a rip off.

One of your idiot friends hears and believes this and posts a thread on Soft, thus getting flamed by people who have been recording there for years with nothing but satisfied results.

Sounds familiar?
i reckon leonard's a spin doctor for sound and he does it with passion and his heart at the right place.

i trust leonard soosay.
wow, i didn't know i'd be seeing such such strong resentment. Honestly, i've nothing against anyone... i'm just an innocent bystander... just hearing stuff from people... yea, maybe its true, u dun always trust what u hear from people. So if i offended anyone, i publicly wanna say i'm Sorry... my intentions were nvr meant ill at ALL.

to admin:

no i'm not the one spreading any rumor, sorry if i even brought this up.

to theblueark:

i totally agree with ur marketing strategy.

to soulalt:
honestly, i didn't meant it as a personal attack to anyone, i was wondering whether anyone else heard such things too

.. if admin feels its getting too hot in here, and this thread is deemed unfit for viewing any longer... PLS DO REMOVE THIS THREAD.... didn't meant to hurt or defame anyone.

to Jem007:

yea gotta agree with you that the industry is small here.. and we should be helping each other out.... its already hard as it is, why make things harder...

Lastly, i think i phrased my initial post wrongly and would like to apologizes publicly, i was just wondering why someone would spread such a rumor, not that i'm condoning it... i'm just wondering y such things are happening, thats all, pls dun get me wrongly aight.

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